Incidentally have you seen the projects Prince Charles has spearheaded in Cornwall? Nansledan in Newquay is one - just stark, characterless buildings. Not a fan of that either... #moanmoanmoan
NEXT SEPTEMBER - is much later than I expected. All the main structures are in - I thought all it needed now was a bit of tidying up - with any luck it should be open for this Christmas. Tha guessed wrong there Nudger.
There's an irony in you moaning about people moaning Who has said to keep ugly old run down buildings by the way?
Just had a look Fits in with my memories of Cornwall and Devon coastal villages pastel coloured houses. Most built for little people. Quaint but not my cup of tea either. But character to suit the surroundings. I could never see York developing like Barnsley and why would they. They nurture the buildings they’ve got. And are a major attraction. I think sometimes some Barnsley folk think the town is like York. Trying to hold on to nostalgia. Worlds apart.
Did I point the finger at you. Open your ears to those around you when your out and about. Read the Chronicle. Chill , Take penny pie park. Petitions not an issue. But that end of town needed summat doing. given the link from the motorway. I’m not defending the council but what do they do. someone is going to be upset when it’s close to them. Pretty sure they would have considered alternatives. Hermes are creating 1000 jobs. Whatever they do it has to fall on someone’s doorstep. Happens to be Birdwell/Hoyland/Holland common. Or Would you like those jobs to go elsewhere and not improve the economy of the town. Wildlife is important but generally it’s taken into account nowadays. Take Broomhill ings.
Which ugly old run down buildings do you mean though? By the way you replied to a comment saying people on here so I assumed you're reply quoting on here was referring to people on here.
I’m in agreement Woodies and that side of the road should come down. I would Tart up Boots to resemble the new structure. Things people moaned about. You know I never referred to people on here, I was replying to superhiggy who used that phrase but I was generalising. About a lot of folk from tarn . If that cap fits anyone on here I’m quite happy to debate. Have you not seen the sometimes vile attack on our town and it’s people I will defend to the hilt my views. But cede when I’m wrong, and apologise. People don’t like change. Doesn’t mean to say it doesn’t have to happen.
Nothing wrong with holding onto good bits of architecture. Also nothing wrong with getting rid of the horror shows. What grates is planners allowing just anything to happen. Draycotts - a fine old building, inexplicably tiled on the outside. Now dressed up as some kind of rustic beach hut with pointless copper swinging lamp! Why do we allow that to happen? It just looks dreadful. Nothing to do with competing with York - it’s just a case if people who ought to know better (planners) shouldn’t allow ridiculous out of character random things to happen. The new town centre will undoubtedly be good for the town and its economy. It will hopefully provide good shopping and entertainment. However, it is a multi million pound spend and its design shouldn’t be beyond question, even if it does boil down to taste. It is on the train route into the town. It looks ugly (at the moment). Hopefully when completed it will look better.
I'm not being funny but I still want to know which ugly old run down buildings are people calling to save?
I’ve explained ST. read the Chron. I don’t know if you do. I go into town a hell of a lot ( even though out of townie.) Hear people moan all the time. Now it’s starting to change people encouraged seeing what happening. But still the few persist. TBH ST I’ve not ventured that way for a couple of months on Eldon st. not taken in what’s happened/happening but to me it was an eyesore. Only noticing the new entertainment building taking shape. From the new library/market exit on that side. That side of Eldon st. (Woodies) was getting save me campaigners. So I may be behind a little. It may be slightly past tense. The markets were criticised. People obviously preferring to step out in the cold. Ask em now. Against change but prefer it now. I may have jumped the gun a little on that part. Just feel the older end don’t like change come hell or high water. Regardless of it benefitting the town. I’m with you on boots btw but get ready for the old dears saying. Where am I going to get my support stockings. Across rd yer daft owd bat. When they relocate. ( Don’t know if it’s an intention btw) Just waiting for owd Alice from cuckoo land moaning when the green bins stop getting taken. over the winter. Wanting folk to get out of their Covid/ flu sick bed to empty that last autumn shovel full. Cos she’s paid her rates. ( She does exist btw)
I echo a lot of what other people have said. Lots of big gold coloured boxes. They don’t seem to have learned from la la land. It probably felt futuristic at the time and on paper. In reality it looks a bit $hit and will be dated in no fact it actually already looks dated to me. Huge shame, as it only needed a bit of thought and some variety in the choice of cladding
By draycotts do you mean the pub on Shambles street.? The freehold was up for sale a couple of years ago. 250k. Its a massive building. However it was ****** inside. It would cost 250k to bring it upto standards. Needed reroofing. Rewiring. Repluming. The drainage needed sorting. It was riddled with damp. Needed the floors sorting. Windows. Heating. I didnt bother after my initial enquires. Someone has though. Once the money laundering romanians were evicted its been gutted.
I’ve not seen many other towns that have such scant regard for it’s historic built environment as Barnsley. We really are up there with the worst of them: Bradford, Hull and Great Yarmouth.
that’s the new ‘old’ library. I think the old ‘old library was in the Civic Hall. Was the pub the Three Travellers?
Care to expand. I don’t think they have scant regard. What has gone needed going. Imho. Modernisation is not allus bad.