Apparently he's working from home! He's probably searching for vacant freezer space suitable for vaccine storage. His location database might also come in handy next time hes on one of those self promoting photo shoots and gets pesky media questions he can't answer.
He could be learning more technology skills with a blonde lady. Or Carries given him a shiner during the argument about Cummings/Cain
I doubt anyone's laid a glove on him tbh. I can't see anyone getting close enough to him, the slippery git
Talking of slippery Matt Hancock has just been on GMB apparently. Bet that was an 'interesting' conversation/shout down with Piers Moron
Just been on the lunchtime news. He said thanks to our efficient test and trace system which is working so well, it pinged him up as a contact etc etc. The man is deluded. It's not working well. My wife got her alert nearly nine days after our son who she had been in contact with went down with Covid. By that time, she had self isolated for seven days.
Thing is Ian, some people believe him. What gets me, is when challenged , he just shrugs his shoulders with a smug look on his face. Personally I couldn't have a clear concience if the statement I had to make to decent ordinary hard working folk, were riddled with misleading untruths. Quite clearly the man is used to lying, deceit and riding roughshod over others and will literally do anything to further his own finances and personal ambitions.
Nippy isnt much better. If the press put the same critical lense on her as they do the Junta currently in charge in England she would be gone.
Don’t know if I’ve misunderstood. But he got contacted by track and trace. My bro went to Toby’s at dodworth got notified 3/4 days later to self isolate. Only place he thinks he used the track n trace. At the time. Didn’t contract the thing. So it doesn’t prove much if you don’t get it. Probably not in contact with the carrier.
Watching a TV interview this morning with one of the Oxford vaccine scientists and another virus scientist the Vaccines that have come out lately the Pfizer and Moderna ones are not live vaccines as in they don't contain the actual virus. i am not sure that some of the newspapers and internet sites are reporting or making the correct statements about these two vaccines according to the scientists on the TV interview this morning the two vaccines will make the symptoms less serious ,they don't know at the moment if they will prevent you getting it or spreading it.
Absolutely MPE. His latest outburst regarding Scottish Devolution has just increased support for SNP immeasurably. Well done that man