Im not sure about the second part of this mate. To say Mercedes didn’t have the best car in 2017 is a bit wild considering In qualifying there was only 4 instances out of 20 where a Mercedes didn’t qualify on pole, surely that points to them having the best cars on the grid?
I thought you liked their personalities too especially with the O'Sullivan and fury, you've commented about their arrogance in a positive way many times haven't you?
It's on a forum I read. 0.146% faster, the Ferrari. So barely at all. But double that in terms of race pace. But Seb couldn't compete with Lewis, we saw him implode a few times. It could be argued that Lewis should have won in his debut year, but for that pit-stop costing him by a single point. He also ought to have won when Rosberg did. He had awful luck in terms of reliability and Nico definitely used the old Schuey 'dark arts' to nobble his teammate at least once.
I love Fury's personality. He's the best shīt talker since Ali. It makes for a great press conference. He lives in his opponent's head. And yes, Ronnie's I love too. Unpredictable. A character. I'm a big fan of characters. I like folk who bring summat unique to the table. Just in general. In life. I don't care one way or t'other about Lewis off-track. It's just pure ability.
He's an incredible driver and the best of all time for me. He looks after his tyres like nobody else, he is aggressive but clever about it. He makes massive judgment calls such as not pitting against team advice today and takes it on the chin if he gets it wrong. He's the first to congratulate the new talent such as Gasly. He consistently outperforms every teammate by a mile so the best car argument is nonsense. F1 has always had dominant teams. He deserves this and whilst Schumacher was amazing he cheated his way to one title at least by deliberately crashing into Hill. He was a cheat and did it more than once. I hope Lewis continues and gets 10 before he retires. I've loved this season and all the random results it has thrown up at times- Gasly, Ferrari's podiums, Perez etc etc... next year will be closer.
It isn't as expensive as you might think Helen. I lived next door to a guy who took his son karting and I reckon he spent about half of what I did just going to football matches in the 1990s. So it just boils down to what you want to do as a hobby really. There's lots of articles on the internet about Lewis and how his rise to fame happened, but this just sums him up really: Lewis Hamilton set himself on a path to Formula One when he introduced himself to McLaren team boss Ron Dennis at an award ceremony in 1995. The nine year-old walked up to Dennis, asked for his autograph and said: “Hi. I’m Lewis Hamilton. I won the British championship and one day I want to be racing your cars.” set himself on,to be racing your cars.” That brazen, brash, confidence was there even as a kid.
Whilst I wish everyone would stump up their taxes. I don’t know all the ins and outs of every individual. But what I do know is. He’ll not be the only winner to have ever used tax loopholes to evade paying in full. Most legal. The laws need altering. But what this is about is achievement. Or do we just single him out. Princess Anne and Zara Phillips have won it. How did they do that without the privilege of the Royal purse. Funding em. Most awards in any sport now go to Tax evaders of differing levels. Earning millions. Footballers being the prime examples. One thing I can’t deny is their achievements in their field. We the taxpayers contribute to those millions being paid out. Obscene in any language. The laws are the issue. Maybe under the European Union we should have had a common tax policy on earnings to try cope with this issue. Including the microstates in the system. Monaco, Andorra. Vatican City. Among em. Having never been invited to join. The islands that are British but not part of the uk political system Eg Jersey Is a British crown dependency. Own governance. But protected by the state.
My post was a bit misleading, he pays his taxes, just lives in Monaco so there's not much to pay. Hope you're not insinuating I'm singling Hamilton out due to his skin colour. I think in his sport and in the way he uses his platform to speak out on race he's an incredible role model. He's as good a driver as there's ever been.
I don’t remember lester pigott getting the bad vibes. Ken Dodd was the cheeky chappy, who most, chuckled at his tax escapades. In fact, I’d go as far as to state, KD increased his popularity. Lewis is a great achiever through his dedication to his sport. There’s a friend in Barnsley who works on the formula one tour for Mercedes ( full time) working on the cooperate side with the hospitality section. ( just left after many yrs of living in London where Mercedes are/were based.) knows full well the dedication of the race team and Lewis Hamilton. Lewis gets all the plaudits but acknowledges that it’s a combined effort. As yesterday it wasn’t about the fastest car. But taking chances on the tactics. Only one pit stop whereas all but one other took two. ( if I remember rightly.) Perez being the other, who suffered. dropping down the field. Hamilton and his team managing his tyres better.
His dad worked two jobs and funded the hobby in a way very few parents are able or willing to do. Tens of thousands of pounds so he could race. I'd love to know how many of the population have the ability to be better than formula one drivers but have never had the opportunity, same with tennis and many other sports really
Why would you think I’m insinuating it’s about colour. I leave that to others that take that point of view. Their problem, not mine. Not once in my posts have I accused anyone on that issue. I very rarely assume anything. But vibes given off by some over time. lead to thinking an assumption. That others latch onto. if that makes sense. Does in my head, But my head is addled My point all along. regardless of race or creed is tax evasion by anyone. Do I use tax advantages. Absolutely. even though I’m PAYE. (Have been all my working life. Coal and water industry.) Marriage allowance for example. When I take my works pension I will use my tax allowance. Then savings to try and make my pension pot last a little longer not having to pay that tax. I left school at 15 . Have to wait till I’m 66 now because of the increase to claim my state benefits. The laws permit me to do that. Am I tax aware. And prudent, absolutely. If anyone on here doesn’t take the advice of what’s out there. So be it. No matter how far up the ladder so to speak. we are. We should all do what’s right and within the law. For that I blame no one. I’m with you on tax exiles. But until the world changes we’re stuck with what we’ve got. But If someone chooses to live in another country. For the lifestyle it offers ( regardless of tax differences) do we criticise those too. Richard Branson lives on his own island. How obscene is that. Bit more than a piece to live in. No one should have exclusivity to what belongs to all people’s of the world. The planet. Do away with land inheritance altogether. ( unless for farming) It’s more than obscene. Mindst thi. Keep Branson where he is. The scroat.
I'd say it would be a very small percentage. Then an even smaller percentage who would be able to have the dedication and love of their particular sport to want to spend 9 to 10 months of the year away from their home, family and loved ones. I know I couldn't do it.
His dad was holding down 3 jobs working all hours and they lived on pot noodles etc when go-karting career kicked off. After considerable success in that field he met and impressed Ron Dennis at McLaren who then effectively gave him a scholarship and the rest is history. It is a genuine 'rags to riches' story. He has excelled in every aspect of the sport through talent, and sheer determination at times giving rise to accusations of arrogance and ruthlessness when he was younger.
Yes, judging from one or two on this BB who seem to resent the fact, that I have retired abroad but still take an interest in UK affairs (the reasons for which are, frankly,, none of their business). One or two even went as far as to say expat retirees should have no voting rights (i.e. disenfranchised) and, even worse, not have access to a State Pension if they leave the UK !!
Theres a nice interview with David Letterman on Netflix where Lewis and his Dad talk about the difficulties they had at the start.