Not an issue mate. I enjoy debate. I’m learning all the time. And the BBS has made me a lot wiser to things I wasn’t aware of. We share knowledge. It keeps the old brain cells ticking over. And we need that when we get older. Who needs school when there are so many scholars on here to consult. Everyday is a schoolday. Mindst thi I can think of one or two short of a picnic. I’ve been called it myself. ( he of the the thick fooker. Expression. Pot.kettle. black)
Knowledge without ***** is like making love to a beautiful woman without all the wiping up at the end.
Tee hee! A 'backhanded compliment' if ever there was one I might crack open that bottle of Prosecco at the back of the fridge tonight to celebrate!!
Do we not think that the old Petrol cars will start being really sought after? We will end up looking like cuba, with their old American cars.... but with a few posh folk with driveways who can live the electric dream. I pick up a new Tesla next week btw... 300+ miles on a charge, and super chargers dotted about the country.
Good for you but not that many people can afford a new top end Tesla - the Model S which I guess you may be getting if you are confident of 300 miles has a starting price of £74k - hardly a practical price for the average driver also is that 300+ miles in real world driving say in the dark in winter.
I agree but you only have to look at the pace at which where science fiction e.g. 60s Star Trek has been overtaken by science fact. I am not talking about Warp drivesTeleporting etc but the things like the communicators & computers visualised back then etc. In 2001 which was very futuristic in many visuals showed the orbiting space station space station with the Bell video telephone booths which looks very archaic. In fact it was Arthur C. Clarke who proposed geo stationary comms satellites back in1945 long before launches into space was viable. Medical science - surgery procedures, genetics mapping the genome etc. has progressed at an ever increasing rate. In my lifetime (born in the 50's the world has changed beyond recognition. When the necessity is there, science and more importantly the drive behind it i.e. money and profit will solve the problems. At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist who should wear a tin foil hat, It would not surprise me if some of the Oil rich states are not further advanced in Hydrogen Tech than they want the World to know about and holding off until the transition can be made and keep them in the money as the main suppliers of the World's energy when the fossil fuels either run out or become ecologically unviable. One thing most of them have is an abundance of Solar Energy which will be useful when the time comes that Hydrogen fuel production becomes feasible on a grand scale. The little (very little!) I know is that currently it is very energy hungry to produce hydrogen fuel (you use as much if not more energy to produce the energy in the Hydrogen fuel. It is the same as Cold fusion reactors - relatively harmless safe, radiation free (or so we are told) energy. They have been working on that for decades I believe.
The cars will have to 'come on' in development in the next 10 years. Speaking as a layman, for me there's lots & lots of problems! The distance the cars can travel, having to plan charge stops on journeys, the availability of charge points, where they are all going to go, what if you are a 3 car family (lots are) having to juggle who charges what. Also, what about the life expectancy of batteries, costs to replace? Cost of cars are also prohibitive. I just think the infrastructure for the whole lot, manufacture, cost & charge needs massive investment & improvement.
Are Electric Cars Cheaper to Run Than Petrol? Even though the initial cost of purchasing an electric car is higher than what you’d need to fork out for a fossil fuel burning vehicle, those who stop their comparative analysis here and opt for the latter will end up losing out in the long run. This is because the slightly higher price of electric cars is quickly made up for by maintenance and fuel costs which are much lower than those of internal combustion engine vehicles. A few out there sub £30k new. A lot More than I would pay for a car. But within reach of a lot of folk. Competition and output and technology will bring those prices more into line with their counterparts in the next few years. Imo. Supply and demand.
They will come down in price but the problem for most people is the initial payment required to buy one. If you can't afford that then it makes no difference how cheaper it is to run long term.
Cold fusion? Wasn't that a complete red-herring (Pons & Fleichmann) back in the 80s? Are they still working on it? The world has changed beyond recognition in our lifetimes (I'm a boomer as well). I agree that the oil companies would not like hydrogen fuel cells to take off in a big way (like the sugar companies successfully persuaded the world to blame fat for obesity and diabetes etc), however, I can't see how they would stop academic institutions from doing the research. Ok they can fund alternative work which supports their industry but there are enough other research funding sources nowadays to get fuel cell work going in a big way. Is it a safety issue that's blighted it over the years?
There is no doubt that they are cheaper to run but by how much - that is the question. I just as a curiosity have logged the true running costs of my last 3 cars. My current one is too new to really have accurate information but I had my previous car a BMW520d for over 5 years and covered 105499 miles from collection when it was just under 2 years old to when I traded it in. The running cost excluding depreciation but including everything else was just over £23K or 23p per mile ( annoyingly a gearbox went just before I traded it in which cost me 2K to fix so without that it would be 21p per mile. Depreciation was a killer though as the car lost 85% of its value in that time. Does anyone have true running costs for an electric car and how much they depreciate. If I include that then my running costs are actually 41p per mile. It would be higher if I bought a new car and traded it in after 3 or 4 years though . significantly lower if I was driving round in a 1.2l Vauxhall Corsa Clearly the fuel costs in the BMW which were on average 11.5p per mile will be much less in an electric car - does anyone have any true figures for the electicity cost per mile in real world driving? Other running costs are harder - tyres and brakes probably need replacing a bit more often as electric cars tend to be heavier but I guess routine servicing costs are less - I have no idea what they are for electric. I assume insurance costs are the same but if for example the running costs are half that of a diesel car then you are saving around 10p per mile - so if you pay say 5K more for your electric car then you need to do 50000 miles to break even - but I am guessing here and making the huge assumption that depreciation rates are similar How much really does it cost to run an electric car over several years. How does depreciation compare against fossil fueled cars
No wonder Cummings jumped. The entire scheme Carrie sorry Boris has suggested is utterly mental. You ask anyone if they care for the environment and youll get a resounding majority saying yes. You ask the same people especially the poorer areas of society if they want to pay 1000s a year more in tax, lose their cars, be priced out of overseas travel or have their smart metera turned off cos theres a shortage... Youll get a different answer. If you can find it. Michael Moore did a documentary on the 'Green Industry'...
The wife has a corsa, its about 5 years old, had it 4.5 yrs, cost about £9k & is probably worth £3k (guess) Over 4.5 years its lost £1.3k a year in depreciation. (rough guide) she does 6k miles a year. Thought i'd look at the new corsa, which is electric, they are £25k - £28k to buy!!! There's no way we could ever justify the additional costs, it's a run about motor we want, our 2nd car, not something that we would dream of spending that much on. Something has to be done on cost to make having to have electric viable.
Thing with electric cars is the range I can get 700 miles easily on a tank of diesel but with electric at the moment you’ll be lucky to get 300 miles to a charge then it takes upwards of an hour to get some charge back into the batteries where as a ice car probably 5 mins max to fill up and be on your way
For 9k it looks like you can just about get a Renault Zoe thats around 3.5 years old and with 27K miles on the clock and a claimed range of 250miles ( and a charging time of 15h!!!) just about dropping into the affordable price bracket for many and probably not a bad option for a town run about but you certainly cant get any sensible electric cars for say 2K or 3K at this stage if you dont want a small hatch even second hand there isnt a car to be had for under 22K
Boris doesn't realise that if people wanted all these things shoved on us with no say people would have voted more for the Green Party.
I can see massively subsidised govt schemes/ scrappage incentives etc to get production numbers up and cost down but it is going to be an expensive exercise. I won't switch over until the technology improves and many more will feel the same.