Legal twitter with popcorn loving every minute of Guilliani completely out of his depth after Trumps proper lawyers all quit Seems like the judge is having to explain a few things to him
This is all piss funny. But when Trump inevitably loses he'll just double down and start ranting about judicial bias and there'll be tens of millions of morons still lapping it up
The only reason Giuliani is even there is because all Trump’s actual lawyers quit. Rudy was supposed to be the frontman and nothing else and now he’s been thrust into a situation he isn’t capable of handling and honestly it’s ******* hilarious.
Giuliani charging Trump’s team $100k dollars a day for his legal ‘expertise’!! Up to his neck with the NY ’families’ after picking the wrong career choices post-9/11. As is Trump, for what it’s worth. Let’s be right, he’s such a piss-poor businessman, he didn’t generate the money himself for all those properties
I think this is genuinely weaker than anyone on either side of this political debate could possibly have imagined. Papers being served to the wrong court, lawyers refusing to actually make allegations of fraud. All the while Trump believes that having the judges in his pocket means all he has to do is make allegations and they can somehow magic him a court case. Meanwhile the alt-right, alternative universe still think he’s actually got a point. in other news, the only person convicted of attempted fraud so far is a Trump supporter, a Senior Republican has been allegedly asking States if they’d consider destroying Biden votes. And now the head of Cybersecurity has been fired for stating there’s no evidence of computer fraud.
I'm guessing he's accidentally hired covfefe baristas for his legal team rather than barristers of law. That's why it's all going wrong.
Millions upon millions of people, mainly in the US but some over here too, support these absolute dribbling messes. Its truly astounding how thick people can be.
Have you seen his performance on the latest Borat movie? The producers must have thought all their Christmasses had come at once when he followed the young interviewer (Borat's daughter) into the bedroom, lay on the bed and put his hands down his trousers.
yeah, funny as f.cuk. and yet at no point have the trumpiverse thought he may not be the right guy for the job. truly astonishing. I don't think the history books are going to remember these chumps well.
How he didn’t click on it was a spoof when Borat the sound engineer walked in I’ll never know. Thick as mince.