Course it does, it’s al OTT censorship, folk getting offended on behalf of folk that mainly aren’t offended to start with
Or folk getting offended because they perceive other people to be too politically correct. it’s a nothing decision amplified by reactionary straight old white guys trawling the world looking for something to get angry about. Meanwhile - we’ve got an incompetent government who are emptying the tax coffers into their mates pockets. And almost no one is talking about it.
I think there's a world of difference between someone saying "We are going to totally ban something" and " We are going to play an edited version of a song, changing one word only Only on one of our statuons You can still hear the full unedited versions elsewhere" It's a half arsed attempt - either ban it or don't
It really isn't. The only people moaning and "getting offended" are the OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY'VE CENSORED it bunch. There's more important things in life that a word being bleeped. Do you make this much noise then an Eminem **** gets censored?
I've written to the BBC demanding that BBC1 starts showing uncensored reruns of Bernard Manning stand up at 1pm in the afternoon.
I was always somewhat uncomfortable when my kids used to sing and dance to this at parties when they were 8 and 6 years old.
"Interstellar Overdrive" is on "Piper". Other than that there may be some bootleg recordings but I've never heard them. All the old footage of the early gigs I've seen they seem to be playing "Interstellar Overdrive".
Probably Helen, I don't listen to Radio 1 lol. So, I couldn't give 2 hoots what they play really lol All I said was Radio 1 haven't banned it, which is what the original poster was quoting lol
Remember Sunday evenings when there was nothing on tele? Then about teatime there’d be a programme no one admitted to watching. Well, you watched a bit and then thought ‘have these folk got nowt better to do than rant on about something that’s upset them on tele?” ‘Points of View’ with Anne Robinson. Crap. Now we’ve got Twitter. The same pathetic gobshites. And some think it’s the future.
There’s barely a day passes I don’t hear a ‘radio version’ of a song. This couldn’t possibly be a more pointless debate.
In 1980 I was a Hemsworth boy in Baie Como, Quebec, Canada - got taken out for an underage ( at my age over there then i.e. under 21) drink at the St Lawrence river quayside "pub". Got introduced to a crowd of youths who saw me as a bit of a novelty. Said I was nipping out for a f a g. Half of them started rolling about laughing, the other half froze on the spot.
Radio 1,who actually listens anymore. It’s dogger. Would sooner listen to classic fm. Radio 2 is the new radio 1. Rock on Ken Bruce.
I’m gay and it doesn’t offend me. Then again, I’ve never been physically or verbally attacked for being gay either. Lots have. Let’s not try and erase history, let’s learn from the mistakes instead.