Don't know if this has been discussed on here before. Just rewatched the very good Shearer program about it. In light of the recent exposure and recent passing of top, top players I wonder what the future holds...... 6-7 out of the famous '66 team either passed or suffering. It's a bit scary really and only seems to be getting worse. Terrible condition/disease (pardon the terminology). The FA - PFA are seemingly getting pelters about their lack of funding, research, understanding regards their members. Thoughts ..........
Ball started rolling when they banned heading in grassroots training sessions...don’t think owt else has been done
Done a bit of work on Dementia in Sport, and definitely believe there is a link between the repeated head injury and the onset of dementia. I know that Frank Worthington's family have for a while been looking into it, as he is struggling currently. What's also worrying is that whilst Women will seek help, attend memory groups etc, men seem less willing to. There has been quite alot of good work done with using sport as a reminiscence tool. Our charity produced "Memory Boxes" targeted at men, a few years ago. These were placed in sporting environments (e.g. Rugby League Clubs), where men were happy to attend what was called a "Breakfast Quiz", but also included some memory work to help unlock conversation. Amazing the things that got people talking, where previously there was nothing: Smells - tobacco, linament, linseed oil, brylcreem Sounds - Sports report theme tune, crowd noise, rattles Taste - bovril Touch - scarves, hats, jockstraps! Sight - old cigarette cards On the positive side, I don't think footballs are as heavy as they used to be, but I do cringe now when I see a centre half heading a ball that's travelled long and high. I know only too well how much it hurts when you head a ball incorrectly. Whilst I hate to take things out of the game, it is absolute madness that heading is allowed in junior football.
. During first lockdown I worked 3 months in a Dementia care home as a handyman. It's a home the fanzine raised nearly a grand for. They spent it on memory corners. Owt from ration books, mangles, old tins and bottles, a painted poppy wall, all to instigate memories. Some folk in there in their late 50s. Heartbreaking to see. VE day party was brilliant though, all Union flags and Vera Lynn blasting out. Proper old school ham sarnies n cucumbers with buns. They loved it. As for the FA - PFA I hope they get on board with this. There must be the Shearers, Hartsons, Duncan Ferguson's thinking ****!!!!!!! That might be me soon.
I've nursed quite a few people with dementia over the years and it is absolutely heartbreaking. Hats off to you for volunteering. I don't know what the solution is other than to stop heading the ball really.
Can see head guards coming in which imo sooner rather than later . I don’t think they will take much out of the game and if it protects the players who cares .
According to the pros on a Talksport debate the other day it's not the matchday in which they might head a ball 2-3 times if at all (depending on position). But for those couple or so times they might practice 100s of times during a week of training.
It's one of the worst things in football in the UK. That from 11 years old we play 11 v 11 on full size pitches with full size balls. It's dangerous, never mind detrimental to player's development.
Was it BIADS? We dropped off one of our Memory boxes there. We have a Memory group come into the centre where I work. One of the guys is mid 50s. His wife helped set up the group. Anyway, at one point, she went to the kitchen to bring some cups of tea down. Alan followed out looking confused. I saw he was looking a bit lost, so I said to him, "It's ok, Alison's coming back, she's just gone to the kitchen." His response: "Who's Alison?". Absolutely heartbreaking.
It must be a massive worry. I’ve only mainly played on AstroTurf where you don’t head it often but occasionally you can head a fast paced ball & go a bit dizzy so god knows what it’s like for pro’s. Think of how many times John Terry for examples headed long balls from the oppositions half. Whilst you can’t change the game I do agree with what Sutton & others are calling for with reducing headers in training
No although we raised coin for them aswell. It was a local care home and what they didn't spend on the home the rest is saved for a day trip (post lockdown)
Close to me, only female members have suffered from dementia. My Dad played football a lot as a kid, haven't a clue how much he headed the ball though but it would have been an old style one. My son's 14 and they don't practise heading as such but as a defender he does head in games and practise games. Tbh, after seeing what happened with kieffer Moore im more worried about that sort of injury than possible dementia further down the line. Definitely there is enough money in football to fund research into this properly.