My daughter is 24, 5' 8'' with long blond hair, so she does stand out and consequently she has put up with unwanted attention for years - she is very strident in her rebuttals shall we say - which usually does the trick. I think its sad that she just accepts it as part of life, I think the situation is worse now then it was 20 years ago. I don't know what's changed but does feel like open season on women these days.
surely its all to do with pornography being available on line, why do they not just ban it all from internet, if you want to see it, you have to get in touch with your provider,would not want to be a young girl in todays times,
As wrong as it is, is it worse than say 20 years ago, or even further back? The Wolf Whistles, shouts of ‘cooer gerrem off’, comments that were seen back then as quips, sexual innuendos. Many of these things were seemingly not generally frowned upon.
Huge over simplification here and be very careful about suggesting ISPs need to start regulating which sites you can visit a - it doesnt work - all you need is a vpn b. whilst I am sure Porn is a contributing factor there is loads of mainstream media that is far worse the likes of the daily mail Sun Express and even Tory graph have taken objectifying women to levels well beyond acceptable and it seems to give a section of society "permission" to behave in totally unacceptable ways. I actually think - though I have no evidence- that the influence of these legitimate sources is much more than that of x-rated porn
Ive read this thread and also some surrounding commentary elsewhere with some interest, As a bloke with no daughters to worry about I must admit I hadnt realised how bad this has become. Clearly there is a section in our society that is behaving in a way that is not acceptable. Unfortunately that extrend to a small minority on here as well the suggestions that women should take it as a complement and be proud if they are harassed belongs in the 1970's and has no place in this century. I dont really know how to fix it though - its really needs an education and peer pressure drive rather than just using the Law as that doesnt seem to work well in cases like this
An appalling situation - all having a negative impact on your step-daughter. The concern must be that she may move on to not going out at all or may return home. We've all condemned the loutish behaviour but can anyone suggest how this situation can be resolved?
Yes. The thing I saw seemed to be suggesting making it illegal. It would be very hard to police for one thing. Once again education and, as you say, peer pressure are the way. A lot of the problem is low grade stuff from blokes who don't really mean any harm or realise the effect they're having. They damn well should know better though and just because it's a bit of innuendo at work or wherever doesn't mean it doesn't cause harm. Just educating those would help though I can't begin to find an excuse for someone who passes a girl in the street and feels the need to tell her what he'd like to do to her or who sits staring at or follows someone.
I only have one member on 'ignore', and so I can't see half of this thread - all I can see is that people are calling him disgusting in the replies. Follow my lead - put him on ignore, and leave him screeching his racist, sexist b0llocks into the void.
A friend of mine is from Dublin - she works quite high up in a large company over there. From conversations with her over the years, I find it alarming how different the workplace attitude where she has been employed. Been similar across the 3 big companies she has worked for. All Irish companies too. Now I’m not saying all companies are the same obviously, but the ones she has worked at, she has suffered sexual discrimination and harassment. From all levels. Her comment was that she felt in Ireland, they were behind in this matter. Especially when compared to the UK (and she has worked in and lived in the UK before too). I was gobsmacked at some of the stuff that had been said and had been classed as acceptable.
Sorry to hear that mate. Totally unacceptable behavior from some idiots. Has she reported any of these incidents to the police?
I think they are subjects that can be discussed. I think you mean posters who promote or tolerate such things. Having said that, I wouldn't like to stifle the right to free speech and opinion. YN does make some racist and offensive comments about the Irish - that should have got the post removed, To be fair he agrees with the main point that young women should be allowed to "wear what they want without being pestered" but then goes on to qualify that. I have seen far more disturbing posts on here, including insults and foul language, that go unchallenged.
No she hasn't. It mostly seems to be random strangers in the street so she'd never be able to identify them and I'm sure the Irish police are as short handed as those in Britain. She's not been physically harassed but the build up of small incidents, especially for someone who hasn't experienced it before, is bound to start playing on the mind. I'm sure she'll grow a thicker skin but she really shouldn't need to. I guess all women have to learn to handle it but it must be awful to be constantly safety assessing their surroundings and I think it's something a lot of men, me included, don't recognise or realise enough.
No worse i don't think. Cat calling is definitely less I'd say and the whole issue of consent is more widely discussed. When I was at uni we had the women's minibus, rape alarms etc.
He also says that women should take sexual harassment as a compliment. He’s a troglodyte and will hopefully one day learn that there’s no place for people with his views in modern society.