Tough balance. Ignore him and certain threads can look disjointed. Reply to him. Enough educated people who can put him in his place.
it was purely a joke about getting old that’s all obviously sexual harassment of young women is totally abhorrent ( and young men for that) and needs stamping out!
Thing is JT, what we may see as putting him in his place, may be also what he sees as ‘being bullied’ and Trolled as he goes crying to Admin
My daughter was at a concert once she was about 19 and this middle aged bloke who was stood behind her and her mate making comments about her and her mate he then started to touch my daughter's behind she warned him once then the second time put her knee in his groin with quite some force putting him on the floor the security guys arrived and all around them told em what happened so they picked him up and threw him out.
I’m not saying it isn't Helen but if you start limiting scope of humour where are we going Btw I have been sexually harassed when I was younger, by older women so yes I do know what it’s like !
Im saying something here in support of her - to try and ignore them - and make her feel better FFS. Another sure case of certain members on here hounding. It won’t work. It just makes those that try it look daft.
Sexual harassment has nothing at all to do with humour. No, I don't think you know 'what it's like' A woman being harassed by a man may well feel physically threatened.
I appreciate you were making a joke but although there are a lot of things I like about being female, the power imbalance is still very much there and I think sometimes men find it difficult to put themselves into a woman's shoes, feeling vulnerable all too often.
Try being harassed by older women when you’re young and tell me you wouldn’t feel threatened.It used to be quite normal back in the day. Jesus I wasn’t being flippant about threats to young women just about being being old !
Another example of TROLLING on here. And one or two that I thought knew better have decided to join the gang. Everything I post now is met with comments such as this from this guy and a few more. Will they hound me out - will it stop me posting ? Not - a - chance.
I got your joke. Maybe slightly insensitive to this topic, but I got it. And I don’t think it has to be explained. Most people are decent on here, and I don’t think anyone really thinks anything more than that - you’re right, it’s a joke often referred to about getting old.
CR -- google 'Sexual harassment in Dublin' - lots of articles - seems it is a problem there. You don't say if your daughter is a student or working there but what she wants is to find a group in Dublin that will support her -- sure there will be such a group. Google support groups and if no luck Dublin University will surely be able to help.
Agree - read my post further up pal. I believe the issue to be sadly more common over there. No idea why other than my friend saying they are way behind the UK on this issue.
I judge people on the content of their character, including their comments & actions (to paraphrase Dr King). Not the country they were born in, not the religion they follow (or don't follow), not their sex, not their sexual orientation, not the colour of their skin, not their politics.
I'm not having a go at you at all. However I do believe that sometimes you don't really stop and think about what you're saying and you make comments which some people take offence at. I don't think your meaning is evil or anything like that (some people on here will disagree with me) but it may be wise to stop and think how other people will react. Your 'defence' of the young woman who is sexually harassed could have been phrased much better without referring to stereotypes and misplaced advice. In my opinion.
As I’ve said earlier - men will be men. And women are thankful for that. But what you are describing are not men - what you are describing are creeps.