It's this, LBP is correct. It's in the 48 page guidelines which I'm just reading through. Can anyone guess whether I agree with them or not?
https://assets.publishing.service.g...ent_data/file/937529/COVID-19_Winter_Plan.pdf Full details here if anyone is arsed. Page 26. You're welcome.
Rates of infection locally are going down, We can hope that vaccination will come in quickly and be effective. Meanwhile I think we have to be a bit patient. I'd swap Christmas for a guarantee that it would be all over by Easter.
Like everything else DW. The policies seem to be "scattergun" leaving folks not knowing what they should and shouldnt be doing. It seems whenever you watch a programme on TV viz: Daily Politics, Newsnight or Question Time etc, there are various experts on who appear to expound conflicting theories where the lockdown rules are concerned. It's very frustrating.
As much as cant wait to get back to oakwell, in my opinion every club should be allowed to have fans back or no clubs at all
It would make a refreshing change to see detail and reason and allow the light of scrutiny to fall upon policy and alleged plans. But i don't expect it anytime in the next 4 years at least.
Is it possible, based on clubs experience to date of trying to prepare for "covid safe" stadia, to have 50% capacity up to a maximum of 4k? I certainly wouldn't feel safe being in a ground where every other seat was occupied.
So intead of helping clubs who are struggling financially, this policy will undoubtedly add to their costs.
Absolutely ridiculous isn’t it. Clubs up and down the county in the same situation as us, who have more season tickets than they do available capacity will be hoping for a tier 3. Who the heck came up with this ruling?
Why not? I live in Wakefield too and if they are encouraging residents to get one I’ll go and do it. Even if I’m negative I hope that the data will help them map hotspots.
If this "pandemic" has shown anything, it has shown how many tarts are knocking about. People so indoctrinated and fearful that they just swallow anything they are spoon fed. It's so pathetic it's almost unbelievable, and if someone would like to dig up the previous thread where I outlined what I do for a living, feel free, then tell me I'm an idiot or that I must be joking etc. You all need to give your heads a wobble, it might free them up from the clutches of your rectal muscles.
This is undoubtedly going to cause more damage financially. The 4000 will have already paid for their ticket being season ticket holders. I'm not sure how much it costs us on match days for stewarding/matchday staff but its certainly going to be more than the 4000 fans are going to spend in the ground isn't it?