I doubt he did. That would be a slur on him, I doubt he'd be thinking how much his daughter would hate it .
I'll stick my neck out and say nah I don't they'd like it mate. Maybe telling your girlfriend first thing in a morning that you like how beautiful she is would be nice, but saying the without makeup bit might make her think you think shes not putting it on right.
Yep, that kind of thing. Also on my walk yesterday two young lads were coming out of the corner of the park (again it was pitch black). One of them said something about weed and I said 'sorry pal' (I had my headphones in) and the other gave me a stare and edged towards me so I walked towards him into the park, keeping eye contact but just stepping out of the way as to not start anything. He made a weird shrieky noise as he passed because he didnt know how to act. I did think after if I was a woman they probably wouldn't have asked about weed, but they would have said something for attention and it wouldn't have been a friendly hello. I find two or more young lads are the worst (pack mentality), why they cant just keep their mouths shut and be normal is beyond me. Not going to lie I did feel relieved once the moment had passed. You never know what they're carrying, or what they might do. But I find maintaining eye contact helped in that situation.
Yeah it's funny how blokes who use the "only a laugh" excuse never notice that the girl they're having "a laugh" with isn't getting the joke.
Your original point was its backward Ireland and didn't single out an individual person. Country is defined by its people not the landscape.
Yep. Shouting isn’t there to impress her - it’s there to impress the men around him. I hate to hear it - it boils my blood. Disrespecting women is very high on my chart of hates. IMO men that shout at women have same mentality as those guys that try to pump up their muscles so they are huge - it’s all done to impress other men - it’s not done to impress women - cos women arnt generally impressed by it. Oh hell - I hope that’s not something else controversial - lol !!!
But you did single out a person. That person being ..... yourself. You described yourself as ‘backward Irish’. Which I couldn’t possibly comment on.
No I think you’re fine on this one! If this was your first comment on this thread I guarantee you would have got no negative responses whatsoever. Nobody is out to get you.
Nope, yer fine on that one. I don't know what the reasoning is. Male Neanderthal behaviour designed to get other males sniggering and joining the pack. Who knows. It's crass and every little joke or comment chips away at a girl's confidence and sense of safety. Certainly every woman I've seen comment on this is adamant that any form of uninvited attention is unwelcome whether it's innuendo, lewd comments, staring etc, etc. There's no ifs or buts about it. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.
A test to see how much the Irish love us British. The British visit Ireland more than any other visitors from other countries. So next time you are there and you get to your hotel - just look at the flags there to welcome visitors. Irish flag. American flag. Canadian flag. Aussie flag. Etc etc etc. .......... NO Union Jack !!! I can nearly guarantee it.
I can now see how this went. “WHY IS THERE NO UNION JACK?” *scornful look and annoyed Irish people* “Guess all Irish people just hate brits”
Actually it's usually Irish flag for obvious reasons. American because there's shedloads of American tourists and the EU flag which, until recently included the UK. There is NO visible anti English sentiment here that I have EVER encountered. There's a few on forums but that's only to be expected, there's idiots in every country and if you want to see some real xenophobia check out the Daily Mail forums for anti Irish bile.
What has all of that got to do with sexual harassment? Guess what? I once visited Dublin and did not get spat at knee capped or blown up. Lovely people there.
By including myself as part of that ...I am backward you're right. Thick , uneducated decendant of an Irish immigrant from that most backwards of countries.