Bump time because now follow the Science means if your experts tell you not to do something you want to do, you ignore the advice and do it anyway.
We need a new button where you agree with a comment but like is totally the wrong word - maybe a clown button as its usally appling to this circus of a government. In other news I see that flu jabs are going to be delayed becase of logistics issues (or as the BBC wont say Brexit) meaning there are no drivers for delivering them to surgeries and pharmacies
To be fair, the experts said that giving kids the jab has limited benefit to the kids as far as their health is concerned and went on to say that the wider benefits of education and suppression of COVID in the wider community was outside their remit. So what do we do, commission another report and wait weeks for the answer? And in the meantime just give any spare jabs to older people as a booster? Or donate them to the Third World? Assuming we have any spare jabs, which isn't the case according to an article in the Grauniad. Personally, I'd jab the kids because although they didn't identify any great health benefit, they also didn't identify any significant health downsides. My second choice would be donating jabs to the third world but this selfish lot will opt for booster jabs for which there is also little health benefit....
This is no time for nuanced political discussion, this is the internet, and any discussion revolves around a binary decision.
The report found that in the US, where millions of young teenagers have been vaccinated, there were around 60 cases of heart conditions per million vaccinated - as per the BBC. This is low - but, crucially - it was estimated that vaccination of 1 million people in this age group would only save around 2 cases of intensive care hospitalisation. I’m struggling to see that ‘we’ve got a lot of vaccines so we might as well put them in people’ negates these numbers. Get them sent to countries that can’t afford them (the jabs, not the teenagers, although come to mention it…)
Here's some radical thinking. As they know what their remit is and so do the government and both parties always have known what that remit is and was they could have, and this might be shocking to some, commissioned two reports at the same time.
I agree that vaccinations should b e sent to countries who don't have access to them. Howevet, if there is a vaccination programme for teenagers I expect my son will have one.
Fair enough Helen - I respect everyone’s right to choose. I am interested though why people would go against the expert advice that’s stated that the risks outweigh the benefits? Genuinely not having a go, just wondered why you wouldn’t follow that? EDIT - in fact, scrap that question, other people’s medical decisions are no one else’s business. Sorry.
He would have it as part of a mass immunisation programne, not so much for his benefit in the same way I had mine. However, he's of an age where he can make his own decision but I expect he'll decide to have it as there is no compelling reason not to.
It would be good to send spare vaccines to third world countries. Instead this weekend we are sending four million vaccines to Australia as a loan which we will get back in December. A country that are rich enough to not find themselves in a situation where they are short on vaccinations.
The advice of the JCVI was that the benefits outweigh the risks (but by such a low margin that that alone wasn’t a reason to give it to them).
On LBC today, someone suggested that the reason they want to vaccinate the kids is because even though they’ve had 18 months to do it, there’s still no proper ventilation in classrooms. Knowing this set of no marks we loosely call a government, it doesn’t seem to be such a bad call.
Good point. They don't mind spaffing £35Bn on Dido Harding's p155-poor track and trace but can't find a few million to ventilate classrooms.
in fairness the experts in the rest of the world seem to be saying something different to our experts.
Politics for all is run by an 18 year old Tory pseudo fascist who twists every story to fit his agenda. Please stop growing his platform and find you're own news sources.