There's not much of that around though I'm afraid. I was just in the supermarket the other day and some numpty decided it would be a good idea to touch and move every tin of beans and every tin of tomatoes, with his trolley in the middle of the aisle blocking the way. The mind boggles what some people think is acceptable
I was in Asda last night and the shelf stacker was putting the reduced stuff on the shelf. I’m not exaggerating to say that there were 6 people all within 2m of her. The mind boggles.
Would the hospitals run out of beds? We've got another 4 weeks of current lockdown until Christmas during which time the capacity of the hospitals should increase as cases and admissions drop. Then the effect of those 4 days wouldn't bite for a further couple of weeks. I can't see how 4 days of limited mixing will result in NHS meltdown.
It really is well beyond black and white. I go out to work and feel ok. My wife works from home and has no interaction on a day to day basis other than with me - god bless her! Her mental well being has been kept in balance for the time being with the thought of seeing her kids for a limited time at Christmas - neither of who live with us. We are careful to work within the "rules" as much as we can and will continue to do so up to and through Christmas. My worry would be how she (and me to a lesser extent) would cope with the psychological blow of chalking a line through the family get together at Christmas. There must be a lot of people who "need" the prospect of personal contact in order to remain sane.
One thing that I find very i From speaking to doctors and nurses that work on ICU I would say they are not in good shape, I do appreciate that to some degree that is anecdotal.
Let's just hope during those 4 days we don't have any nasty weather involving ice. Some folk after an ale or two are drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Folk doing a Michael Flatley crossed with Todd Carty and Mr Blobby.
As heartbreaking as Option 1 is (not seen our grandchildren since March), that's what we'll be doing. Our daughter is in the extremely vulnerable section of society, so her care and well being is far more important to us than what my wife & I would selfishly want.
I think Govt have accepted the 'more deaths' scenario in Option 2 because that's the route they have chosen. Not sure I blame them tbh because Covid is going to be with us for a long time (as will the other diseases that follow) and I don't think we have yet come to terms with how to deal with that.
.the bigger the gap to Christmas the better in terms of birthday celebrations!. Looking forward to the birth announcement on here!