Brexit as already cost us more than we’ve given to the EU- Wrong, think you need to check your ‘facts’, check full Are you saying that it’s costing more than £9 billion for extra paperwork at borders? Rubbish!!
From full fact But these still depend on accepting an uncertain estimate for the cost of Brexit so far, plus even more uncertain estimates of the future cost. And even then, the figure at the end of 2020 is still slightly lower. slightly lower? not exactly the basis for the resounding refuting. If it was half as much it’d still be a ridiculous amount of money. So I’ll amend my post; according to full fact before we’ve even left the EU, Brexit has already cost us almost as much money as we gave to the EU in 47 years. Do you still have that warm fuzzy feeling that we wasted money paying it to the EU and we’ll be better off out?
More snydy remarks, you really can’t help yourself. Anyway, enjoy the 2nd half, hopefully we can get back into it.
I'm not sure Stalin did best sum it up like that. That's far too reductionist. That works, if you're Russian. Absolutely the Russians shouldered the most horrific parts of the fighting. The eastern front was appalling. I'm not sure everyone forgets about the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, either. It was a marriage of convenience, as pacts and larger alliances usually are. But I wouldn't say it was an alliance, as such. Look at what happened in Finland even before Germany invaded SU. And, Hitler was always planning on invading the Soviet Union. As for the holocaust, I largely agree with what you're saying. Moreover, the British were shameful in using the same concentration camps again after intercepting the ship Exodus en route to Palestine. The French, British and the Jews themselves all made the post war period harder than it needed to be. And then there are the Arabs, who were the biggest losers in the region. I'm not arguing as such. Your initial post came across like usual anti-British posts. "Everyone else are better than us". Maybe I was wrong, and if I was, I apologise. Still, as for WWII, of all the major powers involved, I really don't think Britain was among the worst behaved. We have many moments we shouldn't be too proud of. But many we should. By the standards of the day, there were much worse around. I'll leave this at this.
Seriously then. Despite your refusal to acknowledge the obvious. Despite every time you post it’s on the same subject with the same undercurrents. Tell me what the benefits will be. Without trotting out a cliched lie.
This is what happens here with political debate; when your points have been trashed, you can always find a more puerile discussion to involve yourself in. Instead of engaging in the political discussion, you can just play the victim of an imagined insult.
To Quote: There’s no definitive figure for the economic impact of Brexit. The analysis this is based on estimates the UK’s GDP is £130 billion lower in 2019 than it would have been had it followed pre-EU referendum trends. Between 1973 and 2018 the UK’s net contribution to the EU was £216 billion in real terms. We can all pick out certain paragraphs to suite our agenda.
Don’t mind a debate at all, but when someone insinuates your racist cause your views different that’s another matter. Do carry on trying to trash my points though.
Yes, the Molotov Ribbentrop Pact was positioned later as a ‘marriage of convenience.’ How else could the western powers explain they were joining forces with one murderous, totalitarian regime to defeat another? As I said revisionism took place during the war. It was without doubt an alliance though. A signed treaty that agreed on the joint invasion and partition of Poland between them and subsequent ‘spheres of influence’ for the whole of Europe and that the Soviets supply the oil, grain, minerals and other raw materials that Hitler used for his other invasions in the west. To deny the Nazis and Soviets were allies would be a bit like getting married and then claiming you were ‘only friends.’ In fact as a formal agreement and alliance it was far more than Churchill’s Grand Alliance’ of Britain, America and the Soviet Union who never signed a joint agreement at all.
to pick out facts then: every year, that’s every year from now on our GDP is £130 billion pound less than it could have been. but we only invested £236 billion in generating business and investment as a member of the EU over 35 years. Chuff me.