Absolutely hate it. Don’t like us wearing it when red is a better option. Just wear red and put black or red shorts on. Been to Ewood Park so many times and always played in red. The kit clash b0llox is exactly that. Far easier to distinguish between red vs blue on top with both teams in white shorts than it is between two teams with lighter coloured shirts. Just wear red and black. Or red and red.
Said this to my son today. We can’t watch them in person, that’s bad enough, at least play in the familiar red shirt whenever possible.
Not only is it un-necessary to wear yellow, it is also more difficult for viewers on tv to watch a game where there is so little contrast. God help you if you actually have a visual inpairment. I do wish the football organisations would clamp down on it but obviously they won’t. So let’s wear this yellow kit at every opportunity ....
I actually hate us wearing red shorts, but I’d sooner have us wearing a red shirt when away at Blackburn with whatever colour shorts than a terrible yellow kit that not only clashes even worse with their kit, but also has nothing to do with the traditional colours of the club.
I don't understand this shirt clash bureaucratic nonsense anymore either. Play in red shirts away fro home, until you can't - simple. If we can't wear white shorts, then wear black.
Love it when we wear black shorts! Wembley 2016. Leicester away in the cup in the early 90's. I'm sure there are more. I've got some great memories associated with black shorts! I'm also quite happy to see us all in red. Reminds me of 1988-89. A highly entertaining season, with David Currie in full flight.
Play off final v Swansea. I think I went to see us play at Blackburn about seven or eight times in the 8s and 90s. In every one I can remember we wore red shirts and black shorts. Better days when football wasn't totally corrupted by money.
Red shirt with either white collar or white round trim or v neck trim. White trim on sleeve. White shorts with red trim on base or red stripe down seam. Red socks with white tops or hooped red and white socks. I like it when we play in black shorts with a white trim too. Best away shirt was the white, red and black one from the 99/00 closely followed by the green, red and white pin striped Pelada one from the 94/95 season.
I was agreeing with you right up until you mentioned that awful Pelada strip from 94/95. Hideous, the worst kit we've ever played in. For the record the best white away shirt is this one. Promotion under Hunter 80/81 season:
I remember watching this match on telly and not knowing what was going on! I agree there is no need for our yellow kit, despite quite liking it. Mind you, I don't think we're so successful in it.
Away kit as well, just reverse the red and white. Our white kits with red have been the best, especially with Diego's missus in it.
Should’ve been red. And obviously the yellow kit has become first/second choice at away games. Out of order BFC. On kit priority as issued. White mis-sold as 2nd choice/away kit.
3 kits- it's just about merchandise and making money as is almost everything when making decisions in football . So of course they have to play in yellow when the hallowed red is available.