You don't know how angry that made me. I'm sure he'd be happy with no NHS, and then he could buy shares in and make personal profit on peoples health. Makes me sick.
Why? We're a bunch of grown ups who can amicably disagree with each other. Surely (Not being sarcastic at all.......)
I'm not one for violence of any sort, but he's one little c..unt I'd have no reservation about kicking to fuc.k. Utterly despicable waste of oxygen.
Not sure this one will descend that fast - I think most of us on here will be in general agreement in our views of the <insert offensive noun of choice> Whether or not you agree the lockdown in its current form is correct - very few sane people will have anything but contempt for the attitude shown by Fox and his err "friends"
Well if you look at the replies to that tweet and also several of the retweets that I have seen the met police are tagged in a fair few of them
If their views are anything like this despicable human being,then I am glad I've not heard of him/her/it.