So he didn't attend the rally of the brain dead on Saturday and got arrested (probably too scared to attend). He then stokes the fire from the safety of his home to make sure his warped followers still stand by him. Man from a wealthy family doesn't like having to follow rules, because he sees himself above the law. He's probably got private health insurance so loves to trash talk about the NHS. All he deserves is a good left hook.
He's a pr1ck with zero redeeming features or achievements, trying to grift his way to relevance by appealing to right-wing morons a la Katie Hopkins, although she at least did ok on the apprentice 13 years ago. Hopefully he gets kicked off twitter like her and scuttles back into obscurity.
I've watched him on Celebrity Gogglebox. Obviously from the very famous and illustrious acting family. Strikes me, that to make up for his total lack of natural talent he goes out of his way to be a controversial and totally unsavoury human being. If everyone ignored him, hopefully he might disappear from public view taking his toxic and unpopular views with him.
Well I for one beg to differ and I really appreciate his quirky sense of humour! and will defend him anytime. NB. This point of view may be slightly skewed as it was written in the unlikely hope that their Amelia might see my response, allowing me to ingratiate myself into her affections, and then her underwear!
Useless trivia - before Fox switched to an acting Career he worked for a small oil survey company - the same one that the younger Mrs Farnham worked for. She is too polite to say what she really thought of him but she wasnt impressed even then. I particularly liked her comment that just because he played some characters who appear intelligent appears to have confused some people into thinking he was intelligent too
He obviously wants to get back to living, make his own decisions, etc.etc. As if we all don't, selfish tw@t! Lo(o)zza
What do you mean 'no redeeming features'!! I'll have you know he's born in Leeds and a staunch white.
People shouldn't be offended at that. They should however be offended that she's bringing it back when two of the best characters are sadly no longer with us, as it won't be the same.