I went to see my GP two months ago about an unrelated issue to the one at hand. He asked if I'd had a recent PSA blood test. and when he said because of my age (72) I must have one. To cut the story short, 2 PSAs, a MRI and biopsies later I learn, today, I have prostate cancer with a Gleeson score of 9. The advice I get from various sources is to talk about it. That said I'm posting this as a shout out to all men over 50. Ring your GP and ask for a PSA blood test. It's only taking a blood sample from your arm, there's no poking or probing. Most blokes don't take their health seriously and have a 'it won't happen to me' attitude. I showed no symptoms of prostate trouble and apparently this is quite usual. So you've nothing to lose, Get THE TEST. !!!
I am in the same boat. I had 37 radio therapy sessions during the first lockdown. Can’t stress the above enough. The nurse told me they are finding it in younger men. Nothing to fear. In fact the latest state of the art MRI in Dewsbury hospital is like being in a rave nightclub.
Best wishes... Tests ....Something every man (not just old gits like us) should have. I have annual blood tests having high cholesterol and being 66 with two incidents of Thrombosis one DVT where I was sent to the Emergency hospital on a code yellow having had no symptoms and a routine annual ultrasound scan (after the first superficial thrombosis episode ) showed it. I pay a nominal sum which ranges from 30-60 euros depending on how man things the lab tests for and I include the PSA one every other now. You have probably been made aware of this but (and I quote from a proper medical source)... "There is a perception among a lot of patients — especially when they get diagnosed — that having a high Gleason score of 8, 9, or 10 is essentially a “death sentence”, regardless of how they get treated. This is not actually the case at all. Plenty of men with Gleason 8 to 10 disease actually do well after treatment." Also the Gleason scoring methodology has been modified ... a Good article see link below may help... https://www.healthandwellnessalerts...te-cancer-understanding-a-mans-gleason-score/ So all the best and good luck.
Fully agree with all you say George. I bit the bullet about 3 years ago. Just asked if he could give me a psa test. I gave a blood sample and when I returned for the results which were ok and within acceptable levels. He then checked my prostate with a physical examination. Not as bad as I thought it might be. My advice to all is book a test and leave your dignity at the door. It could save your life. PS good luck George with any future treatments.
I keep getting messages about the flu jab, maybe I'll take them up on it and mention the PSA test while I'm at it.
Wishing you all the best with your treatment. It must have been a big shock. Hopefully the fundraising of Craig Sedegwick and Nathan Winder kast month will prompt blokes to ask for a test or to book a gp appointment if they have any symptoms.
Sorry to hear this. I've been for an examination recently after experiencing symptoms for over a year. Looks like it's just an enlarged prostate issue which is being treated at the moment with pamsvax. 2 months in and I can't say much has changed. Phoned the doctors earlier to chase a scan and was told it's pending. Wishing you all the very best.
I had the operation for Prostate cancer 2 years ago and ive had the all clear 7 times now. All the best and keep posative its hard but it certainly helps.
Sorry to hear this/ All the best with the treatment. Good advice. I'm 55 and have not had one, nor even knew about it being available.
I started with a enlarged Prostate and went out drinking and it caused me to have retention ( when you can't wee) boy was i glad to have a catherter the second time i went into retention i had all the tests and that's when they found the big c.
Its the other way with me: can't stop pissing and pissing myself. It comes from absolutely nowhere too. Its controlling my life. Great to hear you're all clear.
Iam not perfect with the weeing but do have a better control now then i did, hope they sort it out for you.
Wishing you all the best. I’ve had an enlarged prostrate for a few years now. Had the blood tests a couple of months ago, said I have Benign Prostate Disease. Currently taking medication. I pee regularly day and night and it does really impact on my life.I read up on it and there doesn’t appear to be anything to be unduly concerned about. Not sure if the medication is making a difference, also relieved there are no side effects ( Yes I have no trouble pointing North) All men at least 50 years old should consider at least making themselves aware
Great advice - I'll soon be in that age bracket and thanks for reminding me. Best wishes to you and tingleytyke with your recoveries.