It happens. No need to ponder systems or formations. It would make no difference. Fair play to Bournemouth - they have outclassed us and should be applauded.
Wednesday beat em, Rotherham drew with them, lost at home to Preston midweek, we're good enough to give them a game, bad day at the office.
Last 2 results they've drawn at rovrum and lost at home to Preston, conceding 5 in the process. But we can't hit a cows arse with the strikers we've got
I think they've studied our play and done it better. They are simply better players, as well they should be having spent several years in the top division. Well played to them, and we will go on from this.
Bournemouth were superior all over the pitch. We played OK considering. Their finishing was top drawer tonight, that was the difference. We're deffo improving on the whole and will easily beat the drop. A few more tonkings will come our way so brace yourselves.