Brought a few tears to my eyes watching Kevin crossing finishing line to hug rob burrows. . Tremendous achievement
Absolutely brilliant achievement from a top, top bloke in aid of another top, top bloke. Many of those associated with our game should take note.
I make no apologies for admitting that when I watched the news this morning covering the story I had tears rolling down my face , well done that man , his friendship & devotion to his friend shone through like a beacon & the publicity & fund raising he has brought is unmeasurable , take a bow Mr Sinfield
When people talk about the "Rugby League family", this is what they mean. Well done Sir Kev. Now time to give him a real Knighthood?? In case anyone wants to drop a few quid in, this is the page they are taking the donations.
Ben Smith did 401 marathons in 401 days. But a big well done to Kevin.