That is absolutely horrendous. Anyone breaking into the home of a deceased person who was being laid to rest that very day can only be classed as inhuman.
Beyond disgusting. I've know John many years socially and he was certainly a character: a likeable one. Another gone too soon to covid. Rest in peace.
I'm sure this is not the first incident of it's kind I've seen this year. My memory isn't the best, but someone on Facebook put on that some pond scum had broken into the house of someone who had died(Mapplewell area seems to ring a bell), so it may be the same person who is waiting for these opportunities. Either way, they want a good hidining...
This doesn't excuse it as burglars are scum anyway in my opinion but just because it was the guys funeral (may he rest in peace) doesn't make the crime itself any worse without any other facts. They may have known it was his funeral but chances are they didn't and it's just extremely unfortunate for the family but if they didn't know, which they probably didn't, then are they any worse people just because it turned out that it was his funeral? To put that another way if someone drives while pissed out of his head and kills a child who runs out in front of him is he a worse person than someone who has the exact same to drink, drives in the same dangerous manner but miraculously doesn't hit anyone? They're both scum. Again not defending them at all, I hope they get what's coming to them but just I don't think they're any worse because it happens to be his funeral, or rather I don't think another burglar is any better because it didn't turn out to be someone's funeral they're both scum.
Sorry, no information but absolutely sickening. I really wonder what goes through some people’s minds. When my Mam passed away 18 years ago my father wouldn’t put the funeral details in the paper for this very reason. I thought he was being a bit paranoid.....
I know what you're saying. It made me think of my grandad for some reason (I saw Athersley/Carlton was mentioned and he lived in the area). We gave him a good send off and if he'd have been burgled that day and my dad had to go back and deal with all that on top it would have been really gut-wrenching, regardless of whether they knew or not. I don't have an answer to the above but we were burgled twice growing up and the second time my dad went in the house and left me in the car (I was oblivious) and he hit one of them and the other smacked him on their way out of the house. As an eleven year old it scarred me for years and I lived in fear in that house until my late teens kicked in. Funnily enough, one of my neighbours was Nudger (though I didn't know he was/is 'young nudger' until recently) and I will say whatever people think of him on here having neighbours like him really helped me to feel safer again and bring some normality back. He probably won't remember me (i left nearly 15 years ago) but he was always a top bloke and my mum speaks very fondly of him to this day, as well as the other neighbours around at that time.
John was very well known in the area and as a consequence many many people knew the house was empty. So maybe it was targeted because of this, maybe not. I was burgled 23 years ago and can still remember that horrible feeling of violation. So yes of course every burglary is disgusting but perhaps under the circumstances its not really worthy of argument.
I've bumped this because the BBC has reported that the same happened during Paolo Rossi's funeral In Vicenza. His widow returned to the family home in Tuscany to find the house had been broken into and cash and one of Rossi's watches stolen. As you say absolute scum. Imagine returning home after burying a loved one to find your home ransacked.
Wouldn’t it be satisfying if somebody could put out news of a funeral time, then invite a few ‘special’ guests round to await developments!
It does make it worse though. In legal parlance they are called aggravating features and raise the level of the offence and the sentence.
Even if the offender is unaware that the family of the victim happened to be at his funeral that day?