I paid the £25 for a nowtv monthly pass before Bournemouth because we had two games on and I reckoned I'd probably get a fiver's worth of entertainment out of watching some other stuff. It's night and day. I know the club gets more money for it, and I prefer our commentary when it's not RS nonsense, but ifollow really is a very poor product for the money they charge.
It's been garbage for last 10 minutes. Logged out and went back in and it's still buffering only on 42 minutes this time. If it's no better 2nd half I might try to find one of these pirate sites they tell you not to stream. Poor product this. How do teams with high followings go on?
I have never had any issues with I follow - always a perfect stream, it’s odd how it seems to differ so much
The NOW TV bonus stream is poor Just a single camera and one guy commentating. IFollow is a much more professional video coverage.
I’ve had both iFollow and red button on today and I’ve decided on ifollow. It’s been buffering has ifollow but it’s only 30 secs behind play. Sky is 2 mins behind and the commentator sounds like he’d rather be anywhere but Oakwell tonight. I’ll take a bit of buffering for some impassioned commentary. Picture is a bit crap on both
For the first time today I decided to try it through my smart tv...no go...playback issues. Went back to IPTV Say Yes To Piracy