I also get ill once in a blue moon. Before a nasty virus at the start of this year, I hadn't had flu or anything of that ilk for 12 years.
It's almost like the misuse of the PCR testing technology is churning out fake positives left, right and centre.
Plenty of vitamin D is the order of the day. Brother in law is a doctor who put us on to it months back. It doesn't stop you getting covid but really boosts up the immune system if you do. Fingers crossed it's not been put to the test yet with us.
It's just as likely to be as a result of false negatives according to this from the ONS. "the probability of a false negative in an infected person decreased from 100% on day 1 (i.e. a false negative was certain) to 67% on day 4. It then decreased to 38% on day 5 (day of symptom onset) to a minimum of 20% on day 8 of infection (i.e. one in five people still give a false negative result despite having experienced three days of COVID-19 symptoms). The false negative rate then increased from day 9 (21%) to day 21 (66%)."
I think we're testing people too early looking at those percentages. It's pressure to get people back to work etc.
Same here. But I got it at the end of September and my taste and smell is probably 10% of what it was. I'm getting concerned now that it will never return fully. Also my wife didn't catch it either so I also believe some people have narural immunity to it.
I've been reading about this as my wife is really worried about it. Although for most people it returns after a week or two, apparently in some cases it can take 3-6 months to a year to return, due to the way in which cells which transmit smells to the brain regenerate themselves (slowly!). But given enough time it should return.
I have been telling myself that for a while. I really hope you are right. Its returned slightly but its taking its time. I hope you and your family don't have it too bad. Its definitely an odd virus with a whole range of symptoms and obviously everyone reacts differently to it.
We’re you both tested. If not could your partner have been ‘A’ symptomatic. ? Bro in law ended up hospitalised. Positive. His wife in the high risk Catagory. (medically) She had to isolate for 12 weeks within their home as was the rule at the time for medical reasons. She never got symptoms. They never tested her. That was late March when things were lax. Would love to know how she didn’t catch it. From him. If that’s the case.As he was really ill for days before being diagnosed. ?
Cheers. Apparently you can try to stimulate it by exposing yourself to strong smells such as eucalyptus, lavender etc a couple of times a day. My missus can currently taste sweet and salty, but that's it.
Thanks for that. I will give it a try. Yes salt and sugar were the first things that I could taste but it's stayed the same. I can't taste anything savoury and I could eat an onion with absolutely no issue. It's a good sign that she can already taste salt and sugar because it took me about a month before I could vaguely taste anything sweet or salty. There are some positives though, we have 2 dogs and suddenly their oral hygiene seems to have improved tremendously. One if them is particularly repulsive but luckily I can't smell her any more!