Huge blow to the businesses that impacts, really feel for them and all the staff. It is however no unexpected.
We do. I'm convinced we wouldn't have stayed up under pressure from the fans. That wasn't my reasoning though. Easing restrictions at this time of year would simply send the infection rate back up and send out the wrong message before Chrimbo.
I think this whole band system was dreamt up using the voting demographic. If everyone had voted blue like York and Harrogate they'd be enjoying the festivities already.
maybe we should just shut down all the pubs, restaurants, social clubs, football clubs, cinemas, play centres, hospitality, entertainment etc now and save all the heartache for the owners down the road cos lets face it even with this vaccine they will start claiming we are not safe because we can still pass it around. The clues were in the narrative in hancocks presser the other night. Little slips of the tongue. If they stay in t2 down south while we remain in t3 then questions have to be asked surely. Some areas were over double our case rate. All those screaming to locked in their houses be careful what you wish for.
London surely must go into tier 3 now. I can understand the lobbying, but the numbers are increasing and as was seen in the first spike, because of Londons connectivity and population, it can spike higher and faster than other parts of the country and then pass it onto other parts of the country. When you see the insane crowds in the west end shopping shoulder to shoulder, tier 2 really shouldn't be the way forward.
It will be a shame that. I was only reading this morning Sheffield region being one of the most likely to be moved to tier 2. That might be why all of a sudden Jarvis is saying that, so people didn't get their hopes up too much. They should bring in the army to test everyone like Kirklees seem to finally be getting before Christmas after weeks of rumour.
If south Yorkshire is the area then why does Dan Jarvis out bassetlaw with its ridiculously high case numbers into our figures? That's just wrong Barnsley around 130 Bassetlaw 259 Jarvis: look how high it is it's over 200
Bassetlaw isnt South Yorkshire so what has it to do with anything? Barnsley is 139 on the list of cases per 100k. It has by specimen date 5/12 139.8 cases per 100k The highest in S Yorks is Doncaster 244 per 10k. The tiers and lockdowns are a crock of ****. Thee are places in lockdown/T3 where its risen as well as fallen, the same with T2. Leicester, OAdby and Wigston have been in lockdown to various degrees of strictness since June still have massive numbers per 100k and are only just going downwards..