My 11 year old Japanese car (Mazda 2) is on its last legs. I'm not sure whether to replace now with Brexit predicted to make all cars more expensive or wait as getting a test drive seems to be a bit hard at the minute and I'm not keen to buy without that. I'm planning on getting a 3yr old low mileage one. With the soon to be Japanese trade deal happening though, might they actually get cheaper or will they still be affected by the price rises as parts may be imported from everywhere and not just Japan?
Thanks to the OP for winding me up with the Heil to read Most of the issues with this list already well covered but I can’t let their “punitive EU tariffs” pass without comment. The tariffs are nothing to do with the EU. They are punative WTO tariffs. Which is why WTO is bad and trade deals are a good idea
Coming soon to a town near you (seeing as we have relied on EU funding over the years)....
What Boris is not keeping his promises. Well I am shocked shocked I tell you. If I wasn’t so angry and depressed at the whole thing I might be inclined to gloat a bit but it’s not as if those who saw what a stupid con it all was aren’t affected just as much as those who fell for the lies
Get some Baron Bigod and Stinking Bishop down ya kneck then you'll have all the energy you want to fly around the house with a 1,600watt Vacuum cleaner.
It's as if all these benefits of leaving are a large amount of the brown stuff that emerges from the rear end of an Aberdeen Angus
Wish all of you had the day I've had today. Brexit is a f*cking shambles and it's not even strated properly yet. No unicorns, just goods backing up everywhere. Government either accept shortages at higher costs or they open borders and allow drugs, weapons and maybe a few dirty bombs in. Sunlit uplands indeed!
That article sums up the last 40 years of the Daily Hatred. Lies wrapped in jingoism with a bit of casual xenophobia thrown in for good measure. There was a fisherman in Brixham on bbc breakfast today and I thought there may be some admission that they'd be knackered with a no deal scenario. But oh no. It didn't matter that a huge amount of UK catches are sold into Eu countries not consumed here. It didn't matter most fishing UK contracts are held by "Dutchmen and Spaniards". It didn't even matter that with a no deal, tariffs and increasingly difficult haulage would make it much more difficult to get goods into the EU market at a competitive price. No, no. This Brixham fisherman wanted control over our waters at all costs. And with no deal, we could sell fish to Asia, they love it there apparently. And Italians and French, they love fish so much, they'll always buy it, no matter what the cost. I suspect he's looking forward to having his next imported cod with chips in the newspaper, ideally the daily hatred article sheet, to make it all the sweeter... as he then complains to his mates he can't live locally because it's so expensive with all those second homes being bought in the area.
Vacuum cleaners - the power restrictions are there to force manufactureres to create more efficient tech, which they have done. So your 900 watt vacuum cleaner is as powerful as the old 1600 watt one, but less expensive to run and better for the environment. No one makes 1600 watt vacuums anymore. Such utter unthought tripe in that article - was it the Daily Fail by any chance?
There was a bloke on the BBC from the fishing industry this morning and he was prattling on about selling our fish to East Asia and Japan. You could tell that he didn't really believe it. Sea food struggles to stay fresh going across the Channel so I can't imagine what it would be like by the time it got to Japan, even if they keep it in deep freeze.
In other words they are telling you to 'Suck it up' See what I did there? I agree on your comment regarding the 'copycat' cheese. I have always hated New Zealand cheddar !! I also never understood how it can be cheaper in the shops after to shipping it halfway (literally) round the World And why anyone would buy it when it is a pale imitation of UK Cheddar cheese. Even 'Irish Cheddar' is not the same as the proper stuff. On a serious note. even those who voted leave (including me) cannot fail to be embarrassed by such a facile jingoistic nonsensical article,(or at least I would be if I wasn't so busy rushing off to buy a second home and fighting off the hoards of likeminded house-seekers FFS!! ) Never mind I can restore my flagging energy levels with some nice cut price Kobe beef washed down with some excellent vintage English sparkling wine what!!