Santa came down Dodworth High Street on a colourful vehicle designed to look like a sleigh. 'Wonderful Christmas Time' by Wings was blaring out from it. Stood at our open front door, I waved and gave a thumbs up to Santa and his helpers. They all reciprocated! When I came back in, I had a huge grin from ear to ear, bragging that Santa obviously recognised me. My daughter Laura simply looked at me with an expression on her face which said "How can you possibly be my Father?"
I took Whitney for a free run and she had a great hour running around, playing with other dogs and sniffing all the forest smells.
They aren't a happy bunch are they? Just had a quick look on there. Its hilarious!!!! Theres an excellent thread titled "Defund Chansiri."
I was on the William Hills flash odds offer this morning of Southampton to score in both halves bumped from 7/4 to 7/2.
My partner Anne and me walked in the rain in Lancaster with my son and his fiance (appropriately social distanced) and exchanged cards and presents etc. We've not seen them since before they got engaged in July - we got engaged at the same time and neither knew about the other until they put it on facecrap.
For the past 6 weeks been supporting a rough sleeper in town. Turned up at 7 a.m. as usual to check on 'my' rough sleeper with coffee and a sandwich to find a note saying he'd been found a flat. Excellent!
I watched my 9 year old son play football for 60 minutes in the p!ssing down rain. He loved every minute of it.
In a world with a load of **** happening, it's great to hear some really happy stories. Thanks guys. ❤️❤️
Finished my 14.1 miles Santa Dash* in the pouring rain with the pooch. Happy days - Over £1600 raised for Sheffield Childrens Hospital from everyone who supported the staff completing it. *more a stroll than a dash
I spent most of the afternoon in the Curry Mahal. No, not for THAT reason... We were packing and wrapping eight Christmas food hampers, to be given out next week to deserving kids and their families at Joseph Locke and Greenacre schools. Thank you to the Curry Mahal and their staff and to all those who gave up a few tins and packets. Your generosity must be seen, so here's five of the hampers, which weigh tons...
The charity work some of the posters on this thread have done has made me smile. Well done all of you!
Watched my 13 year old son play football and saw him score 4 goals and lay on 2 assists and just watch him play beautiful football, the rain and wind didn't dampen my spirits