That's not correct, Hoover and Panasonic to name two have models that are more powerful, just not for sale in the EU.
Actually much seafood travels huge distances. and stays fresh for months even in domestic freezers at -18C. Most Prawns large ones come from Asia or from Argentina . Most Icelandic Cod is frozen on factory ships as soon as it is caught and again keeps for months. I get it that there are many issues with Brexit, but you need to wind it in a bit when it comes to dismissing' a bloke from the fishing industry ....prattling on ' Are you not one of those on here who complains about people who 'ignore experts' ? Many species of fish (Tuna in particular comes from the Pacific region and that seems to make the journey without going rotten so the reverse journey should not be problematic.
You had to watch the interview, I don't think brush put it across in the best terms in all fairness. He certainly wasn't an expert, he just wanted "our waters back" and was reaching at any desperate whim to try and deflect from the very obvious issues he and his employer will face.
He also said there were 7 billion people in Asia who eat fish. Last I checked the population of whole planet is 7.7 billion ffs.
Not only “our waters.” What about “our air?” I’ve seen quite a few suspiciously foreign looking types breathing in our pure, clean sovereign air.
Absolutely. Noticed a lot more egrets flying into our airspace and then setting up camp in our reedbeds and banks. Not to mention eating our fish. They're mostly white though so its probably OK.
The red marks here are British registered fishing boats, Also marked is the IK’s territorial waters. can you spot any future problems?
[QUOTE="Donny-Red, post: can you spot any future problems?[/QUOTE] Yeah, them boats are bloody massive, they’re too big to stay afloat?
Not been funny but people on here laugh at the Sun and never take it seriously, yet everyone believes this article, strange really. Suppose the Sun’s ok when it suits!!
No idea what paper it is, the font looks more Daily Heil than Sun. The point is this article is supposed to be pro-brexit. These are the ******* positives of leaving.
I think the article was not intended to be taken seriously , certainly not the examples of supposed benefits of leaving, so I find it a bit amusing that some here seem to be frothing at the mouth over it (the article)
I know this particular paper is of right-wing leanings and is there to pill0ck the public as they have been doing since 2016, wonder if that's why they in your words are printing something that is not intended to be taken seriously, as the penny finally dropped.