Have a go at my latest Sporcle quiz. Naming every BFC goal scorer from Allan Clarke's first spell in charge. Surnames only. No own goals included.
Sadly before my time watching, so I did awfully. Still should have got more and gave myself a slap for not getting some of them.
(4) Barnsley Players Under Keith Hill Quiz - By bfcstats ( Try this one too if you can bear it.
No thanks mate, if it’s all the same to you. I’ve spent the last five years trying to forget most of them. Enjoyed the Clarkie one, though.
Oh, I ran out of time but nothing came up for me. Just done it again and got the results. One of the ones I missed I knew but couldn't remember his name - one of Clarke's 4th division signings, two I might have eventually got but the other one, I have no memory of at all.