Thousands of letters are being sent out this week threatening users with five years in jail if they carry on.....
Also, whilst I'm having a rant, maybe ... just maybe, if exorbitant fees weren't charged by the likes of Sky and VM, and adverts weren't shown that lasted longer than the segment of the programme, people would be more included to buy from said providers.
Never had a letter either torrenting or streaming without a vpn. Currently using kodi with a couple of addons installed and real-debrid. For movies and tv stuff. Doubt I’ll get a letter I actually have full sky package too lol
just had a look doesn’t can’t get any packages installed. Seems very unuser friendly unless you pay for it. I ain’t paying lol. I already pay for real debrid and that gives me premium links in any add on I use anyway. Cinema HD also very good when RD account added and no ads
Agreed - UI on Syncler looks great but tough for a spaz like me to deal with all the bits and pieces required to get it working properly (unless I'm missing something). Hate the ads on CinemaHD but it's easy. Cyberflix is my fave but number of streams is lower by the day.
not if you don’t pay. Clicked install package, put code into my phone and said I needed a url. Couldn’t find url for that kosmos package. Found some other packages but all failed. express link is greyed out unless you pay for premium
This is the result of sky and other companies greed, of course their is a increase in these box's of late, probably due to the cost, many folk out of work and simply can't afford it, don't blame them tbh, be interesting to see how many ( if any) sky subscriber's have cancelled in the last 8 or so months
I was doing really well with my conversational Klingon, then this thread turns up. It seems the Klingon is more understandable for me. There’s nowt for gerrin old!
Two points to add to the thing about Sky. I have a basic entertainment package. A lot of my recordings are now failing and i can't use Skygo anymore. Why? because they are broadcasting content in ultra HD only which I have to pay an extra £10 a month for. Daylight robbery really. I'm paying for content I cant watch. Second question, apropos of the first point, just bought an android TV box and want to subscribe to an IPTV provider, which one is best for UK content, might even watch the odd football match on it.