Anybody got any idea what is going on of late..... For the last couple of weeks here in cudworth I've noticed a lack of them flying about...apart from seeing the odd crow a couple and I mean a couple of sparrows only and a flock of pigeons this morning in Barnsley I've seen nothing of note. ..I've got to seed feeders out and a fatball feeder out and nothing as been touched in 8 days now... Normally I can sit in the kitchen and watch birds mainly sparrows flying in and out of the garden....the odd tit would appear too....not my reflection in the patio doors might i had... ..also not seen anything of any black birds or thrushes that we occasionally got .....theres no signs of any cats knocking about which could reduce numbers I suppose or birds of prey but then again I wouldnt say that either could reduce the numbers so drastically in such a short time....during the first lock down we woke up most mornings to a dawn chorus.... At the moment nothing.... Any idea what is going on
We're inundated with birds in our garden in Dodworth, I'm pleased to say. Sparrows, Blackbirds, Thrushes, Robins, Tits, Wood Pigeons, Collared Doves, Magpies, Rooks, various Finches are all regular visitors and long may it continue. It's got to the point where the Robins, Blackbirds & Sparrows don't fly off when I go out to refresh their food and water! They probably think "It's about time, Fatso!"
Funny you mention that, we've noticed a reduction in birds at the feeders lately. We're still getting a few but not as many as usual, and we had a chat just the other day that we've not seen a blackbird in the garden in months. And similarly, the sounds in the first proper lockdown were fantastic, so loud and tuneful. Joyous.
Actually, now you mention it, there has been a reduction in the number of birds and wildlife around our garden as well. Can't explain it though
One of our cheeky resident robins actually appears on the patio and yips until we (me) put some meal worms out for him. Oh no, sunflower seeds and fat balls aren't good enough for him!
My pre daybreak dog walk the other morning was accompanied by a very chirpy dawn chorus, one that one normally hears in summertime. So I don't know? Maybe a couple of sparrow hawks about terrorising the locals up your patch?
The club put a facebook post on last night a lovely kestrel flying around Oakwell..... its obviously been feeding well. Intensive farming means less voles and mice, therefore its chowing down on more small birds!
There is often a slight flux where migrating birds move further south to Europe or Africa, and we get some from further north to replace them (didn't realise thats what happened with goldfinches) but the sparrows bluetits great tits and long tailed tits are usually constant, The resident wren is still about. As are the parakeets and wood pigeons. But there don;t seem as many sparrows dunnocks and blackbirds. Same with song thrushes actually.
Oh, that's so true with our Robins, too! I don't mind, though. They've all been an absolute Godsend this year for me, kept me sane. Well, sane ish!
Agree with that. My one hope for this year, given all thats happened was for people to reconnect with nature and understand the equilibrium it brings. I hoped that may encourage people to value it more, to protect it more and make take more care of it. Sadly, I'm not sure we'll see much long lasting change in that regard. But yes, I couldn't agree more. Watching the seasons and seeing nature even more has been one of the few joys in a truly annus horribilis.
Wait! So it’s OK to have exposed bare chests and nipples on here after all! Cos otherwise that would surely be overt sexism!