Pretty much throughout all this year my feeder has been busy. However, about a month ago, they all seem to up sticks and disappear. A few have returned over the past week or so. It was a bit strange. I remember, actually, in the summer a similar period. I did notice that when they returned, there was a lot of young among them, so whether that has something to do with it, I'm not sure. I like to throw some seed out on the floor, which is usually gone the next day. I find Robins struggle to get on the feeders and a couple of them come almost daily. And also we have a wood pigeon who likes to drop in for his tea at the same time every evening. If there isn't much seed out, he will go and sit on the fence until I throw some out for him! I do love our Woody, though. I've seen him have a few face offs with a squirrel that likes to pop by, too. I recall last year I have 3 squirrels in the garden at once... I've asked Santa for a squirrel feeder so, assuming I've been a good boy this year, I can get that up soon and they can stop pinching Woody's snap!
Not here. We get Coal, Blue, Great and mobs of Long tailed tits. Robins and my favourite, Nuthatch. The Buzzards that live in the fir tree in the field next to us are still there and hunting well. The Rooks, Red Kites and Jays are still a bloody nuisance and we're inundated with Pheasant. Not seeing too many in the way of finches though, Bull finch and Chaffinch seems to have disappeared and we've not seen a Green finch for years. We did have a Grey wagtail beating the sh*t out of the front window last week but that's not been seen since.
The only birds we have been getting on the bird feeders are Wood Pidgeons. We usually have lots of birds in the garden but a neighbour removed a hedge and some trees and birds have been sparse ever since.
You and me both. I saw a treecreeper on one of my walks last weekend. A residential london street... a treecreeper! Was giddy for the rest of the walk!