That is an absolute disgrace. Just typical of Hancock’s smug, superior and dismissive attitude to anyone from north of Watford. If this government gets elected again I honestly despair at the people in this country.
Anybody else at least contemplating that this virus was just a smokescreen to destroy our way of life to usher in the "new normal" yet? Or am I still a nutter? I'll ask again at the end of April, funny how the furlough scheme has been extended to then isn't it? It is almost as if they have another longer lockdown in mind post new year just to finish off the already dying hospitality sector. And finally, does anyone else think it a tad strange that the only things we aren't allowed to do are the things we take pleasure from? do to de-stress? You could be forgiven for thinking that they want us to just live in a vicious cycle of stress, fear, boredom etc but we can still go to work and pay taxes which is a bonus I suppose. Stay safe everyone!!
Probably best not to out right disregard someone's genuine concerns even if you think they are wrong (as do I). It's not good for their mental health to do that.
And you reckon using a BBS for which hundreds of people are reading it to push conspiracy theories onto potentially vulnerable people is good for their mental health then do you? Nice personal dig by the way. At least I didnt get called a C### though, eh?
No, I think it's definitely real. It's a virus like many others that we live with and due to a lack of immunity due to its newness (which is probably the wrong word) it means it's killed a lot more people than other viruses do. The longer we love with it the more people will have immunity combined with a vaccination which will again help just as it does with other viruses such as flu. I do however think that it's been seized upon massively by the government backed by the media to create a state of fear among 5he public. To allow them to exert much more control over our lives than they need to and in ways which make absolutely no sense. The virus is real, the government have utilised that to push forward their agenda of control and suppressing the poor.
It could be worse. Northern Ireland are getting ready to shut down most industries for at least another month and a half.
Well it's true isn't it? You are a mental health professional yet you dismiss people's genuine concerns out of hand. Can you not see that that is damaging to their mental health? A regular man or woman doing it would probably not realise but surely as a professional in that field you can see the impact it has. And no I didn't say that reading people push conspiracy theories is good for anyone but there are ways to challenge and explain to the person why you think they're wrong rather than just mocking them for their fears
I've already offered support previously to him and the poster himself works for the NHS so thanks for your concern. I'm sure it is entirely appropriate for someone in his capacity to be pushing conspiracy theories and we should totally entertain it. I'll leave you to go back to calling people c##ts now which isn't hypocritical of you in the slightest. Enjoy your evening.
I haven't called anyone that recently. If you are talking about my post to wakey tyke then do you really think that's me calling him one? I was telling him he'd made a right tit out of himself. If someone trips over at work I'll tell them they've made a right c##t out of themself there. They've never once took it as me callig them one.
Is his concern genuine though? Some of his views are extremely concerning especially as he claims to be working within the NHS and closely with patients, many of them being vulnerable.
I will say this as politely as I can. Thank you for the subtle implication that I abuse or am a danger to my patients simply for not buying into the mainstream narrative. Get FU**ED you PR*CK. Have a lovely evening.
I've nothing against people "not buying into the mainstream narrative". It's your belief that there is a cult of paedophile's running the world that's disturbing. This allied with the fact you've stated we only have to look at the satanic symbolism in music videos to validate this. Plenty of other similar statements too. I'd suggest I'm well within my rights to be concerned.
The virus is very real, killed another of my colleagues yesterday. No underlying medical conditions, 49 years old, wife and three kids. Youngest 6. The government however will want everyone in doors if no deal is implemented on 1st January. Limit the outrage once the unicorns don't appear over the sunlit uplands.
Wow. You have no problem disregarding, belittling and poking fun at my genuine concerns on this subject.
I'm not poking fun at your concerns. I find it really sad that so many people like you are absolutely terrified