And for 600,000 people or so, this is the last Christmas they’ll ever have, and for many of them they’ll spend it sitting on their own in solitary confinement until they gradually die of al different diseases.
Jesus truly Christ. This literally doesn’t make any difference in any pub. Literally, it doesn’t make one single solitary pub any difference in any tier in Britain. What on Earth are you talking about pubs for?
We were doing Christmas day at Daughter and SIL with Son and DIL and our granddaughter. Six adults and one infant. Boxing day same but at ours. We did a risk assessment based on vunerability and exposure to the virus. Took into account who was working from home and even who was getteing home shopping. I am probably the most vunerable as I'm over 60 but I am very fit. Daughter is most exposed as a teacher but as she broke up yesterday it is likely that any symptoms would have presented by Christmas Day. Whilst accepting that there will always be an unquantifiable inherrent risk we felt that it would be minimal. We'll abide by the new diktat, but the ones who wouldn't give a toss about even a glance at a risk assessment won't give a toss about the changes and carry on regardless.
Its the whole “I know someone who died of COVID”. Argument. I have a number of family members who’ve died from cancer. By 20, I had no grandparents left. Is this some kind of pi$$!ng contest?
They clearly haven't been harsh enough, soon enough in London and the South East. They've just had two tier changes in four days.
So it's ok to let 3,000 people a week die and have the NHS overwhelmed so much that they can't support the normal illnesses and operations required? What would YOU do? Cancel all restrictions? Let everyone die? Let everyone mix as they please? There'll be a sight more than the normal 600,000 deaths if that happens but I'm still interested in what action you would take to address this crisis
I don't think that the government has an agenda in favour of, or against, any particular part of the country. I don't think they really know what to do. Nor would I.
We have followed the rules and the vast majority of my friends and acquaintances have also. You don't hear about us on the news though.
So the only thing that’s happened in Wakefield since they announced the original 5 day bubble plan is that the infection rate continues to fall. So they now tell us we can only meet up on one day now, what a load of horse ****.
I genuinely know barely anyone who’s broken them. For nine whole months. And yet people still parrot the lie that this is what has caused the spread. If you take that argument it’s logical extreme, then it must be true that everyone who has caught it is personally at fault.
Wales on total lockdown from midnight tonight. Don't think it will be too long before we have to follow suit. Very depressing when we were all becoming so upbeat at the prospects of seeing our closest loved ones over the five day Christmas period. Everybody's plans now in turmoil but if it saves lives, it will be worth it.
No but the more it spreads, the more people die. And the more the NHS is overwhelmed and other treatments/ operations are postponed.
There seems to be a whole industry of hate which has been fed to those either gullible or just maybe downright mean who are more then willing to speculate that in the middle of a global pandemic caused by a highly contagious air born virus that catching said virus is your own fault. Probably same people think that those who died of HIV or hepatitis deserved to die.