they all waste of time,its just a total disaster,thought might feel happier with vaccines starting,still got a long way to go yet till we see any light at end of tunnel
I don't know what to say in response to this mate but I'll try. Clearly nobody wants to cause the abuse of children - except pedophiles or sadists - but I don't know how to ensure their safety in all circumstances and it's clear that our government doesn't either. Mental health is clearly a problem and I guess that in earlier times with less things to distract and occupy people's minds it might well have been worse. It's a case of dammed if you do and damned if you don't.
Really feel for you, I know there is no help or easy way out. Really hope things turn around for you.
I know you don't want people to be hurt. But those arguing against lockdown don't want people to be hurt either and suggesting they do by asking them to produce a list of friends and relatives they'd let die isn't even remotely close to a fair argument. I just wanted to highlight that.
What are the companies that are hounding you, surely they could be reported for poor business practices? Any reputable company would make allowances in the current circumstances.
Do others have to produce a list of Cancer patients they are willing to sacrifice or people lives we are willing to ruin? I mean if we are taking it down to a individual level we should lockdown forever because people will always dies from respiratory infections that could have been avoided if we never left our homes again.
loads worse than me, least I not ill or living under a bridge etc,but people like that Martin Lewis make me sick, only people who can get money are people who do not need it,or you paying something stupid like 69 percent apr, one firm already cost me 28 points on credit score by putting missed payment down,
In fairness to Martin Lewis I thi k he really does just want to help people. But you are correct the whole system is set up to pubish those who can lewst afford it and be kind to those who don't really need it. While you may still have your health I've seen people who get I to financial distress end up in a very bad way, the only advice I can give is don't leave it unattended, however bad it is if you don't face it then it will be worse.
thanks very kind advice,least I am keeping people who ring up in a job,I might get an award for industry,sure it will all work out,as I say be lots worse than me losing loved ones etc, good luck to everyone
There's just solutions that are greater or lesser versions of ****. There's no magic bullet solution. There's a sliding scale ranging from a more severe complete lockdown back in February/March for a month or so, to doing nothing and letting the virus do its thing. In between there's a endless sliding list of various combinations of doing this and that. Whatever was done would be questioned and analysed. That said I believe this government has made a litany of decisions, both historically (under funding of the NHS, ignoring pandemic advice and selling off stockpiles of PPE) to present day in not locking down early enough and for long enough; although this was probably compounded by the face they had no plan in place and had to spend weeks making one up. Once they were behind the curve it was a losing battle. Many decisions also had/have massive inconsistencies to them, ones which were never explained. Over time this eroded public confidence. Any government would have made mistakes and struggled to get everything right. Unfortunately this one has been shockingly poor.
Can I also just say my original reply to @pontyender was slightly facetious, as he said we don't have to have evidence to make statements. I've shared bits on here but let me give you a little glimpse into the other side of the coin. Back in June I had to physically restrain my wife from sneaking out of the house. Her mental health had broke and we had been to the hospital and sent back. After repeatedly saying she didn't want to be here anymore I got her to rest in bed. I then caught her try to sneak out of the house with her car keys. When confronted she tried to run and kept saying to let her go she just wants to leave, look after the kids ect. If you had walked in on this you would have thought I was attacking her the force I had to use to hold her. Then we had to as a family make sure either myself my dad or her Dad were int he house so someone would be strong enough to hold her if needed. Thankfully things have improved massively and she is now almost back to her usual self. So firstly this is why we continue to break the rules on household mixing, I will not sacrifice my wife for anyone else. Selfish? I don't care, I love her and that's the choice I've made. I will continue to argue against measures keeping families apart and destroying peoples mental health. Saving the economy for me isn't a argument about affluence, its about the damage it will cause to people's lives. Mental health is like death by a thousand cuts. So while each little sacrifice might not seem like much for many the cumulative total is too much to take. I fully accept my personal experience has coloured my views. And if I'm so far wide of the mark then I apologise, maybe I should give the subject a rest on here for a while though.
The biggest crime is knowing that infections rise most seriously I care homes yet doing not one thing to limit that. Employing no new carers, allowing carers to come and go as they please and sending covid positive patients into care homes to unknowingly kill their friends. The second biggest crime is building nightingale hospitals with no plans to use them and allowing covid to rip through hospitals. They've ruined lives focusing on restricting the fit and healthy and have done absolutely jack **** to protect the vulnerable. The timing of lockdowns, length of lockdowns etc isn't the problem it's that lockdowns along with killing the hospitality industry has been their only answer to this and they have point blank refused to even entertain the idea that they were focusing on the wrong areas
Fun fact. There are 12,000 mutations of the covid genome already. Makes you realise that it is propaganda to rub to the media with a big story about a mutation hours before you restrict people's lives further doesn't it
A few quotes from the government website In April 2020, almost half of 16 to 24 year olds showed new symptoms of psychological distress. Young people (aged 13 to 24) reported there was a lack of access to mental health support during June and July 2020. This has been linked with worse mental health and wellbeing for young people with existing mental health needs. Children and young people have felt less able to cope with not being able to see their friends in comparison to other aspects of life There is evidence that coronavirus (COVID-19) and related interventions, such as social distancing and stay at home guidance including school closures, have likely had a negative effect on some children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing. Within the March to July period, there are indications of an increase in emotional, behavioural and restlessness or attention difficulties, and of increased anxiety and depression. Child suicide deaths may have (did) increased during the first 56 days of lockdown in March to May 2020,