So you don’t care how they’ve run the country you live in. You only care about Brexit. What is it about Brexit that means this much to you? Why must we leave, what is it about being an EU member that is hurting you?
I don’t remember the EU dragging Greece into the euro. They didn’t and can’t drag any country into it. They didn’t force Uk into the euro because we, Greece and the rest of the member countries are sovereign states. That means they make their own decisions. Sometimes, as in the Greece case, these sovereign decisions are bad ones. Somebody has to pay for bad decisions and it’s usually the poor. I’m not disputing that the things you mention didn’t happen, but as bad as it is and has been for Greece, they are not leaving the EU, in fact they are part of process that’s going decided the future of THIS country.
I said it earlier in this post I where not going to have a conversation (argument because that all it ever turns into) on the subject why. Let's be honest brexiteers and remainers will not agree on many things. We have had 33 months since article 50 and we seem to be no closer to a resolution. No resolution after 33 months but 60 trade deals set up in the last 12 months.
It may be that you voted Corbyn despite Major Dan (depending which area you are) and I voted Major Dan despite Corbyn! At least we agree on Weston's!
I wasn’t asking for an argument buddy. I just wanted to know what it was that made you vote that way. Your reasons for wanting to Leave. But that’s fine.
29 deals with 58 countries sounds great, but when you look at the list and see no agreement in place with either America or Europe. It's starts to look rather Bleak. Especially when our biggest imports / exports are USA, Germany, France, Netherlands and Ireland. Which non of those we have a deal in place.
The country voted for the Tories and to leave.. Covid came and then mutated. Corbyn Starmer Johnson, Labour, Conservative no one could have or would have dealt with this any better or any worse than the other as it is an impossible position to lead and to be in. We ve been dealt a **** hand in 2020. I think we can only get on with it, spend time in helping each other through it,. Being devisive and blame only makes things worse. Facts above. Merry Christmas.
By that you mean what? God forbid we might actually have a competent leader, who can form an effective opposition, and hopefully a government. No, let’s just be a protest movement and s*d the poorest in society eh?
Yet whilst the pillaging of Greece took place the EU supporters in the UK (maybe your good self?) stood back and watched it happen. Now you tell me that it's my fault for not offering up alternatives. Do you think my local MEP had any influence on centrally scripted, not voted upon EU legislation to let Germany and France do as they wish with Greek infrastructure? They're little more than carpet baggers. Maybe if I'd have had a vote on those EU policies I could have done, yet I don't. It's a fundamentally undemocratic institution with elections which are tokenistic, at best. You fool yourself if you think you have any influence over them. We barely have any influence over our own government and certainly no control of these lunatics.
They have that many votes that the ones that matter get drowned out. They do it on purpose to bore MEP's into voting in favour.
I don’t think it’s that Starmer isn’t ‘to the left’ it’s that he’s a liar, he has no policies, no morals, he has constant double standards, he rarely stands for anything & he just criticises afterwards. He built his campaign to become Labour leader on socialist policies, he got the left of the party to vote for him over RLB & then has done the exact opposite. He’s weaponised anti-semitism to try & boost himself in the media whilst ignoring racism towards blacks & Muslims. He’s suspending any socialists for commenting on Corbyn’s suspension including Jews whilst not suspending centrists who’ve commented on it. It’s a blatant double standard. He’s done nothing about the Labour leaks. There’s people still in roles within the Labour part who deliberately sabotaged their chances in the 2017 election. He’s now hated by the left & he’s also been mocked as ‘captain hindsight’ by many others. I’ve never seen any MP get as much negative feedback on social media. Boris & Corbyn even get a better reception on their tweets than Starmer. He’s still somehow behind Boris in the polls even with what’s gone off this year. Until the disastrous Brexit policy Labour were regularly polling close or ahead of the Tories even with the so called ‘unelectable’ Corbyn. Any Labour leader has to unite the left & centrists to win power as otherwise there’s simply not enough swing voters to get in power. He’s deliberately going out of his way to alienate the left of the party. Blair was clever enough to know this & kept the left on side for the most part until the Iraq war. And get ready if he’s still in charge before the next election, the smear campaigns will be off the charts when they start claiming Starmer defended nonces in his previous job role. It’ll happen. I’ve already seen loads on social media about how he supposedly helped Asian grooming gangs. It’ll make the campaign against Corbyn look like nothing.
EU Remainers are no less misty eyed romantics about the EU as Leavers are about their view of England. They turned up (some of them) and put a tick on an EU election slip (sometimes) and then forgot about it until the next time. What a way to view an institution they 'loved so much and didn't want to leave'.
Had it not been covered up as a trade deal I'd very much doubt the people would have voted it in in the first place. (Back in the day). I can't be arsed go9ing back over dates because it's been done to death.