How much are these 60 trade deals worth in comparison to the one trade deal we need with the EU? (Incidentally, this is a genuine question, not a dig).
We just have to ride this one out pal and when its time to vote again lets hope there is a good enough leader in place and the country make the right decision. The government need to sign a political big Val.
to be fair, greece has a problem with tax - ie nobody pays any. Whole cities were collecting only 10's of thousands of euros per year. I've known a lot of well off greeks in my time and paying tax is for idiots and poor people apparently.
Being a "leftie" I'm glad I don't live in Selby, I couldn't vote as my representative someone who uses "of" instead of "have".
The problem is most of the criticism Corbyn got & most of the criticism Starmer will get won’t be based on their politics
I'm not sure where it's thought that people get their influences from, to have them be persuaded one way or another. Most people, especially in the "middle ground", are not so stupid as to fall for the tittle tattle. Nor are they liable to vote for extremes. So Keir seems fine by me.
It will all turn out fine. Scarborough was great, Olympia was well managed and Harbour Bar was open to get an ice cream.
I voted Remain, and then after the vote when the Liberal Left, Socialists, Trotskyist and fellow travellers began bleating and moaning about a democratic decision and the EU showed itself in its true colours I changed my mind. I voted Tory. Do you think Corbyn and the Labour Party would have done any better in this crisis? So a Merry Christmas to all working class warriors, whingers, moaners, Tory-haters, anarchists, troglodytes - say what you like we shall be out of the EU soon.
To win his seat, Boris Johnson beat Lord Buckethead and Count Binface. I think they would've done a better job than Johnson did.
wrong pal. Most of us saw that our own government was to blame for the woes the leave campaign blamed on others. Most of us saw the type of people who supported leave and thought there must be better. Stronger together.
It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. Imagine, after all that Johnson and his mates have done this year, that people still play the 'But Corbyn' card. It's pathetic.
Yes, Corbyn would have been less populist and reactive and would have worked with other governments more readily to get PPE, vaccines etc in for a lot jess than we paid under the Tories.