It is a good job the tests are 100 percent accurate and that once you get your negative result you cannot catch Covid.
So If I’ve been in contact with someone who’s tested positive and then take a test myself that shows me negative. I can go and ‘mix’ elsewhere despite the fact that any symptoms as a result of my contact can take 8- 10 days to surface. Just wow. Let’s give these contracts out to the Tory friends as quickly as possible eh.
Beats me why you bother reading it, you know its mainly bo*****s before you start, it only winds folk up. I can't even be arse clicking on newspaper links anymore!
It’s worse than that really. You could have your test having had no contact with COVID, return a negative, which you would, and within a minute or two of testing negative, come into contact with the virus! As you said, get the contracts out to the mates before the penny drops!
I've always read newspapers from the back and tend to stop after the horse racing pages. Much better for my mental health
I wonder how many days they will let you have immunity for. They will have to speed things up as well. I went to a Kirklees community testing centre last night to give it a try. You get given a card with a unique sticker on with a QR code for you to scan and then register your details such as name and date of birth. Then you queue up before being told which numbered booth to go to. The person tells you what to do. You have to blow your nose and throw the tissue in the bin after santising your hands for a second time (first time on the way in). Open the swab, rub at the back of your throat for ten seconds without touching your teeth or tongue. Same side of the swab rub for five seconds as far up a nostril as you can. Then wipe down the table and plastic screen between you and the assistant, wipe down the mirror you look in to see what you're doing, put your swab in a container for them, mask back on and leave. Not many was waiting and it still took probably half an hour. If millions of people who enjoy the hospitality sector have to prove they are clean maybe once a week (just a guess) then that's a lot of waiting around and queuing with the current system.
Sadly my missis likes the Daily Fail but then she's originally from Penistone and Cubley rather than Welland Crescent aka concrete canyon like me