I irony here is that this new COVID strain down south which caused the closed border has also been discovered I a number of other countries . The UK believe it or not has been ahead of the curve due to good data seen a problem with this new strain , notified the relevant parties and said parties have acted accordingly . That the media have spun this whole story to turn it all about Brexit as highlighted in your post is repetitive and predictable . Manipulative reporting to lead the viewer to a certain conclusion based on their political point of view .
The media has spoken about Brexit because there are obvious parallels with trucks piling up (hence why Operation Stack was invented in the first place) not that this is because of Brexit. The only people I’ve seen saying it is are people who are saying it is the French ‘trying to punish us for leaving’. I’m not clicking on an Express link.
The trucks were building up before the media break of the new strain. It’s easy enough to check back on. there were huge queues - then the borders closed, then the queues got bigger. there were plans last month for lorries backed up in Kent before anyone mentioned a new strain of the virus. I don’t care what you think about Brexit, but don’t try to change the story to fit your false narrative. I can tell you categorically, that this time last year; DWP were preparing for a no deal economic crash, the Inland revenue, Home Office and the judicial system were all preparing for massive disruption (I have friends and family in all the above). the fact that this government have watched from the sidelines in the middle of a Pandemic makes us an international laughing stock.
I can categorically tell you that is untrue. It's much higher than that. Unless if course I work for the one company in England who deals with ALL the affected haulage.
I'm sorry but the whole COVID episode will have a far graver financial impact than Brexit . I'm struggling to see why people see fit to even worry about it . Shortage of avocados in isle 6 .
Covid is worse, you’re right. But Brexit was gonna fu ck us anyway. And still will, adding to the Covid damage. like I say, we were preparing for economic meltdown, it just happened earlier, and will now be worse. Given a stable economy, recovery from Covid is more straightforward than many believe, most of the industry closed down would recover automatically (given that the government put so much effort into keeping as many employed as possible). But Brexit means we don’t get a stable economy, so when pubs and theatres can reopen the economy will be shrinking due to Brexit. We’re already doing worse than our competitors during Covid, do you see this improving post Brexit?
Shortage of chips in aisle 4 Shortage of meat in aisle 12 Shortage of bread in aisle 19 Shortage of tomatoes and beans in aisle 8 Shortage of pop in aisle 20
It's amazing that even after all this time, people can't see that their precious Brexit is going to be an absolute monumental fck up and are now laughing and joking about it instead.
Yeah, that's even worse. Gave up Twitter a few years ago, Facebook ill check occasionally to see what distant friends are up to.
They won't give a toss until they feel the effects directly then all hell will break loose, they've swallowed the lies and spin and until they actually feel the kick in the nuts their pride won't allow them to comprehend the actual fact that they've been played for fools.
What a load of *****, scaremongering at its best. Bread is on aisle 7 not 19. Do you work for the BBC?
I popped into my local big Tesco this morning, and I'm surprised to say it was empty (of people) and full of stock.
Ah but did you get any Mcvities gingerbread chocolate digestive? My chocolate hobnob envy is no more after discovering these at 80p a pack!!
Choccy Hobnobs Mince Pies Turkey Sprouts Chardonnay White wine (Home Made Xmas Cake & Trifle) all set for Christmas Day
I'd rather have a chardonnay but gone with the rose fizz for the girls' sake. Juat need to ice and decorate our Christmas cake tomorrow and we're all set.