Scrooge, starring Alastair Sim. A few days ago, I watched an earlier version of Scrooge, made in 1935. I was quite surprised in one scene where Bob Cratchit was mourning over the corpse of Tiny Tim!
Scrooge! I would never believe it from a kind hearted fellow like yourself! I'm getting ready to watch Finding Dory with the Grandkids (7 and 5) via Skype soon. As we wont be seeing them or the kids this holiday, Skype will have to do
It was our granddaughter's fourth birthday yesterday and we were able to video chat. We'll do the same on Friday morning with her and our grandson. It's not ideal and breaks our hearts that we haven't been able to kiss & hold them since March. But there are people who have gone through far more heartache than us, so we appreciate what we've got.
We're the same mate, haven't seen the Grandkids since July..... it's heart breaking and it's not the same, but we have to be thankful for what we have . As long as everyone stays safe
I always read the book every Christmas. Alistair Sim makes a very convincing Scrooge. I found Finding Dory quite traumatic when I watched it with my son.
Well last night I watched a film made in the year of my birth and I can't believe that I have never seen it before (mind you I don't really appreciate fiction).. I think others have said its one of the best Xmas films ever and whilst some of the film is based around Xmas I just don't see it has a Xmas film. The film in question "A Wonderful Life" starring James Stewart.
A classic. I think the message of hope and the angel getting their wings when the bell on the Christmas tree rings makes it Christmasy.
It's not brilliant, I agree Helen. but watching it with the grandkids gives me chance to lark about with them for a while so happy days
That's my dad's favourite, but for me it will always comes second. I'm part of the generation that always gets the "how many ghosts were there in A Christmas Carol" pub quiz question wrong...
Watched Polar Express yesterday,got to say one of the best Christmas films ever,watch it every year and even been on the ride twice in Universal Studios Orlando.
SeaWorld Orlando did a Polar Express ride too, dropped you off where the polar bear enclosure is.Few years ago since we were there mind.