It beggars belief we all read team sheets, match reports, social media etc etc and folk still get the names wrong. It's not just fans ..... it can be Sky, opposition programmes etc. What's your bug bare, favourite, best or worst? Thinking of doing an online fanzine while we can't attend matches. Best (or worst) will make the page. Cheers in advance and 'merry' Christmas
Ian Hulme His whole name is only 8 letters yet many people decided to discard the second "I" in his first name and inexplicably add an "L" to his last!
Off subject a bit.... but a lot of people say 'wrestling' back momentum or 'wrestling' back control of a game. Like they never knew that the old phrase is 'wresting' back the initiative.... not that it bugs me, like...
Can I start a petition now that if we sign Daniel O’Shaughnessy that we all just refer to him as DOS. For everyone’s sanity.