To be fair RR I think the wow is the fact you mentioned Nobbys family are chasing money. In fact they just want research to avoid anymore horrific deaths like the one their dad suffered.
To be fair I don’t think he meant there was money to be made by the Stiles family, although I can see how it could be interpreted that way. I think/hope he was implying there was money to be made by study groups. Although only Red Rain can confirm that....
Yeah I'm ok cheers. I just read it (and still do) as implying that his relatives are money grabbers who might ruin football in pursuit of a payday. Which to me is a disgusting insinuation to make.
Have you found that you have an irresistible urge to vote Tory? Sorry, am not insensitive but I couldn't resist that one.
I suspect at some point as Jay has indicated there will be some sort of lightweight headguard introduced for all players. They have to do something in the longer term.
I have just reread my original post, and agree that it could be interpreted that I was referring to the Stiles family. I honestly was not. I was referring the the universities and the legal profession. I actually think something will have to be done about it, and I highlighted the issue to open up discussion about what could be done about it. The money that will have to be found to compensate dementia sufferers could break football unless the authorities are seen to be acting.
Fair enough, I apologise if I flew off the handle a bit and acknowledge that wasn't your intention. I think football probably has enough money to survive.
Not sure I’d go along with that Titus - for me, his talent would have shone through in any era. Pele rated him as the best player he’d seen. Opinions, eh?
There's no way any club would put up with his extra-curricular activities now, that's more what I was getting at. He got away with it in that era but fitness wise he wouldn't stand a chance now. Of course if he had somehow managed to clean his act up I'm sure he'd have been a world beater now.
It's definitely one for debate. I'd love to know the answer. My opinion is somewhere near Paddy McCourt, but would Best have been able to sort himself out?
ban heading in training, no kick outs from keeper,a new line drawn across pitch say at 25 yards out from goal, only allowed above head height passes beyond this point, be a totally different game, maybe more skillful just done edit. just scrap heading in training it wont be football anymore
I remember my dad telling me that 30 years ago or more. He used to comment about the number of times per game Big Mick McCarthy would jump to head a ball that had just been kicked the length of the pitch by a visiting keeper.
Mick must have had a particularly thick skull because he's still as sharp as ever. He was my hero as a kid and he's still my hero now. He's intelligent and funny and articulate, he has morals and character, and he speaks in my accent, he talks like I do, he's everything I like about my home town. I hope he, and every single one of us, is spared a degenerative brain disease, because it's a nightmare for everyone close to that person.
What worthy activities should universities get involved in if they're not money grabbing to objectively determine if there are links between impact sports and early on-set dementia? I'm looking for ideas for my next grant.
Heading the ball does not have to be banned but this fits in with a broader addressing of head injuries/trauma in football. The whole concussion situation needs changing I'd start with; (i) regular brain scans made on players to ensure all players have baseline images enabling the monitoring for and identification of brain irregularities, (ii) independent assessments in the game with concussion substitutes allowed on the pitch whilst the assessment is made (head clashes not resulting in a cut head), (iii) extra 'free' mandatory subs for any head injury resulting in a cut head, player substituted automatically but don't count as a match day sub, (iv) a reduction of frequency of heading in training, (v) stopping Pulis from working as a manager.