Love all of them. Here’s my self portrait. Visit Neanderthal man - Stock Image - E438 ... Neanderthals
Sandwich made out of shît and sugar. Some good things on a personal level this year, but nowhere near enough to disguise the shît.
My sister in law left a tiny piece of durian in her hotel room in Thailand and forgot about it. We later spent half an hour looking for the "dead mouse" which she informed us must be somewhere in the room, before happening upon the offending piece of fruit under her bed. Weirdly, it tastes ok and quite bland. Certainly not worth dealing with the stinkiness, when bearing in mind that the mangoes, pineapples and papayas in Thailand are orgasmically good, and don't make your hotel room smell like an open sewer.
Meat jelly with dill and horseradish. A Russian favourite. I can't stand any of the components, neither individually nor combined. An absolute culinary horror show. Even the top quality vodka which it's traditionally washed down with can't save it for me.
You could always tell which market stalls were selling Durian when you walked past them in Malaysia (not sure if I smelled one in Singapore ) as you found yourself gagging and holding your nose but you are right though Durian tastes OK if you can get past the smell there are far better fruits you can get when in places which sell it As an aside I did once try durian flavoured ice cream in Singapore - it was OK but nothing like as good as some of the other flavours