My understanding from what Whitey has said is that iFollow/EFL send the codes to the club, the club don't request them.
Such as those of us who have had quite a significant loss of income, have a job that's so precarious at the moment and have had to miss out on birthdays with family, not seen parents etc?
He said they send them out, it doesn't mean that they just randomly send codes or that that's the only way they get them. Some cubs give away matches as standard, some it's if you paid extra, some not at all, some chose not to use codes. There's obviously more than one method
It's not like our club haven't already done very well out of us fans. I bet hundreds of codes every game never get used as you only need one code per property but many homes will have multiple season pass holders under the same roof.
There’s millions of people this year who have been affected.......the loss of loved ones, people suffering with depression, people resorting to drink and drugs as an escape, business going under (some never to return again) folk not seeing there families...... these are real issues, now for me Barnsley not been on IFollow isn’t a big issue, I’ll lose zero sleep about it and if someone really wants to watch the game tomorrow they’ll either pay a tenner, watch a dodgy stream or watch dramas
I assumed the EFL just send a code for every season ticket holder and it's up to the club to distribute to who needs one if they don't give them out to all for midweek games. Even if the club are able to request them, why would they allow us to request them for a game that's not available?
I know of 3 in my family that never get used. Can imagine there’s hundreds more. I do feel let down that the club haven’t paid for reserved + members to have this game. Don’t they get most of the tenner anyway?
I think we all get the point now that the EFL changed the rules on midweek games this week and TH club haven’t been able to win the fight with the EFL. It’s been done to death and we all get the frustration. Can we now let it rest, at least in various BBS threads.
Whoever you think is right or wrong in all this, and I think most points of view have some merit, that an advertisement to buy a match day pass was posted on the BFC website in the format it's in, without a single reference to the whole debacle, is an own goal from 40 yards out into the top corner via overhead kick.
I agree with this. It's just the same advertisement they always use though, it might even be automatic. It's an own goal though for sure.
Well I'll be wearing my Saturday socks for tomorrow as its clearly a weekend on Tuesday by the EFL standards. Daylight robbery from the EFL but what's new as the lot of them are bent
Nobody has bought anything though it’s an away game ! The fact we are getting midweek games is a bonus ! I have never paid a tenner, was going to for Wendy’s but was working all day, I’m going to pay it tomorrow absolutely no quibble especially with the club and I’m as tight as a camels aris in a sand storm.