More or less. Basically they send a glorified doorstep sales person round. They are there to get you to confess so they can take a prosecution statement under PACE. Which you duly sign. . .
Reading this thread there is no wonder my 90 year old mother has just had to pay for her licence. I assume none of you without a licence don't listen to bbc radio also?
Because many people seem willing to pay through the nose for Sky, Virgin, BT, Now TV, Netflix, Apple etc but don't value what the BBC actually charge or offer. Maybe their business model is wrong, and in the long term they should make it subscription only then people can't easily refuse to pay and still continue getting the benefits. It's obvious they have lost the battle for compulsory payment because it is totally unenforceable.
I have a TV licence now against my better judgement but we didn't for years. I didn't inform them I didn't watch TV because why should I? I don't inform all the other millions of businesses that I don't use them but they don't send me threatening letters demanding payment, the whole system is ridiculous. As you say though, the letters just cycle around and around.
You watching something needs a licence, not the equipment nor the aerial. If you watch anything live or on iPlayer you have to pay, if you don't, you don't. You could have a room full of TVs and aerials piled up from the floor to the ceiling but if you don't switch them on then you don't need a licence.
Sorry for hijacking the thread Red Helen. I am also enjoying the games on Amazon prime over the Christmas period. Does anyone know if this is going to be a regular thing for Amazon?
Your 90 year old mother has to pay for a licence because 1) she wants to watch tv and 2) this Government has taken away the funding for her to watch it for free.
My biggest gripe with the BBC because they claim they are hard up( hence over 75's now having to pay) is all the presenters they have. There is two on the couch and sometimes one's a sport's presenter but they still have another sport's presenter doing the sport, why don't they just cut back and save money that way - and don't me started on Gary Lineker's wage!!!!
I don't mind threads going off at tangents. They did it last year so I think it may well be a regular thing at Christmas.
And 3. Because there are people who use their services and decide not to pay leading to a funding shortfall. PS I'm not saying you should pay if you don't use their services.