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If anyone is interested in true crime this has been written/compiled from old news articles about crime and goings on in and the dearne area How Dark Was Our Valley
I just read the Kate Brannagan series by Val McDermid. Good easy read with likeable characters quite enjoyed them. Just about to start the Tony Hill ones. Crime isn’t my favourite genre but I do like to dip in every so often. Quite like the Peter James books but they are a bit dark Prefer fantasy these days and escape from reality for a bit Ann Bishop or Patricia Briggs particular favourites though there are several others that are good.
There are 10 Peter James ebooks knocked down to 99p each on today's Kindle Big Deal. If anyone's interested get your skates on. Offer ends at midnight.
Just seen this a bit late - but I've read all but the last 2 and got all but the last one but otherwise it would have been a great deal
I might read treasure island I started it in book club at middle school but we moved house and had to start a new school,they did not have a book club or a chess club,but that was ok because I could only play draughts
When we were kids, my sister convinced herself she didn't enjoy reading. Years later she's an avid devoured of the written word. Turns out, she only thought she disliked it because she only ever really tried reading my books, which were of no interest to her. Once she there were books out there that could hold her interest, she was sold.
I'd only ever tried reading books that I'd already seen the film of. I'd read a few James Bond ones, Drive, and then the Harry Potter books. I didn't mind the Harry Potter books, but I found the others a bit dull. After trying 3 or 4 times to read a Star Wars spin off book (which I bought about 5 years ago in JFK Airport), my Mrs pointed out, that I was having difficulty reading it, because it wasn't a good book. That's when I went back to read the sequel of Orphan X. The only book I'd read, that I actually really enjoyed. Coincidentally, the only one that doesn't have a film based on it (yet). So I agree with you, I reckon I'd just not read the right books.
That's one thing I don't normally do - and it's true either direction. If I've seen the film, I don't want to read the book, and if I've read the book I don't want to see the film. The Harry Potter films were exceptions, although the books, which I read first, are far better than the films IMO. I broke my own rule recently, however, and bought (cheap) a copy of Jurassic Park. I'm hoping Jeff Goldblum gets eaten in the book.
Here you go, it’s free on Kindle.
I generally don’t watch films or tv before reading the books though there are a few exceptions where a TV show or film has got me started. Best example was True Blood where I watched the first couple of series then read all the books. I almost always find books are better than the visual version but sometimes if you see the tv or film first it helps you visualise the characters. I guess the same goes for some others for example I read all the James Bond books after watching the first couple of films. For Old goats benefit all the. Michael Crichton books are better than the films and well worth a read. I do sometimes watch films or tv series after reading books though Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy was excellently done though should have been made into 6 films really as so much had to be left out. Unlike the Hobbit which was never a 3 film book. And I thought the Harry Potter films a great success, I also really liked the books though it seems unfashionable to admit that these days. Pet hate is when films or TV shows deviate significantly from the original I am ok with changes due to needing to shorten so missing bits out or getting the content of something over slightly differently but totally changing endings or characters or adding spurious characters ( often women to give an excuse for sex or romance) really annoys me.
McDermid is a demanding writer - I find I have to really concentrate hard when reading her books - not read the Kate Brannigan ones. Have you read any of Hilary Mantel's books - far too intense for my liking?
I agree with this and I will also add that mis casting actors to characters is frustrating too. Jack Reacher, six foot five and built like a brick outhouse...and here comes Tom Cruise.
I hate films and tv series deviating from the book. Fair enough to miss bits out but don't change the plot or characters.
I found the Kate Brannigan books a quite easy read. Enjoyable but didn’t have to concentrate too hard. Be interesting to see if I think the same about the next series. Not read any Hilary Mantel so can’t really have an opinion.
I've read Jurassic Park, and I really enjoyed it, but again, they changed the characters in the film from the book. Nothing huge, but significant small details. So if it doesn't change the story, why do it? If I were an author and someone just waltzed in and changed a book I d written for zero reason other than they felt like it, I d be an unhappy bunny.
If the tyrannosaur objects to the love scene and puts a no kissing clause in its contract then out it goes.