Or anyone with a bit of knowledge. I'm wanting to remove a plug socket from a wall. How big a job is it for a electrician as ideally I would like to plaster back up where it is, so can't be leaving live wires in the wall.
Depends if it’s on a ring main. Relatively simple diy job if it’s a spur. Just a case of switching off at the fuse box, remove the socket and back box and terminate the wires with a termination block. Loads of YouTube vids. I’d definitely get a spark in though, if it’s on a ring.
As above, the easy (cheap) option is to connect the wires and cover it over. If you don’t want the wires behind the wall, and there’s a good reason for that, you’ll need to pull up floorboards to connect the wires under floor instead. The cost of that will vary due to type of building, type of flooring etc.
in the spirit of having a go it’s not difficult, the plastering over might be a task but can always use a blanking plate. Turn the leccy off. This bits vital! Unscrew wall socket unscrew wires attached and cap off with chocolate box or tape Put blanking plate on or plaster board and skim
Yep I’d do that as well but he didn’t sound too confident...but tbf it’s no more complicated than terminating a spur. Just connecting six wires innit
Test if it's live by licking the bare wire first. That way you'll know if you need to go to all the hassle of finding the fuse box,
Thanks all. So if I put them into a box and cover it all over it should be fine? Remembering of course I have wires in the wall if I'm ever drilling ect.
MY MATE: Everyone asked, was baffled when, after taking advice from a sparky and fitting his own wall lights, the lights would work perfectly for a while and then not at all. Every time the sparky called to look at the lights, they worked. Later, they wouldn’t work. This went on for a time. It turned out that he’d accidentally wired into the central heating and the lights only worked when the heating was on.
Will be fine as long as you remember it’s there. Drill will hit the junction box before it hits live wire. Obviously safest thing is to rerun wiring under floor, but that’s a bigger job. Cost risk decision innit. Bigger risk is to other people, if you ever flog the house and don’t let them know...
If you could live with a single or double gang blanking plate then that allows socket to be easily reinstated in future. Would tend to use appropriately rated Wago terminal block, ones with orange fingers, rather than choc-block type ones. This is if you need to continue a ring. If you're boarding over and can't inspect it in future then don't think you can use screw terminal ones these days. Can't comment on whether it's allowed to conceal the wiring like that though.
The advice to use a junction box is the safest & the best, if its a spur , simply isolate & remove the cable & then plaster over
PLEASE , PLEASE , PLEASE , DO NOT !! Leave unused live wires in the wall , if your prepared to plaster , pull the wires back under the floorboards & terminate in a suitable junction box ( NOT CHOC BLOCKS & TAPE !) , You might just save someones life further down the line when your gone !!. By the way i am an electrician
If you’re not confident with electrics get someone else in to do it properly. It’s surely not worth the risk to your/someone elses life to bodge it.