And what do you suggest? Schools aren't open at he moment. In 3 quarters of the country only the most essential shops are open and people can only leave their homes for exercise work or food. What do you suggest? An indefinite total lockdown?
I don't agree with a national lockdown when different areas are of different danger. Here in Kirklees we are the 6th safest area of the country out of 149, have an infection rate less than half the national average and a positivity rate over the past week that's gone down. Even the case rate has only gone up a few percent even though healthy people like myself have had a test since before Christmas just to make sure. Our NHS trust we share with Calderdale have announced six covid deaths in the past six days. If we are put in the same restrictions as for example London then that would be unfair.
Unless there’s proper borders in place and people are stopped from going over the borders it’s all pointless.
We had a really long one in spring. It came back. We had one in November. It came back. How many times do we try? 80% of the population are not allowed to leave their home except for food exercise or to work to pay for that food. Get out of your house and into the real world and see the misery these restrictions are causing, you'd be surprised. By the way common sense says that the more data points you add to a graph the more extreme the curve becomes.
How much of that is due to Christmas mixing though? Not saying we shouldnt have another lockdown and I suspect we will in a few more days in keeping with doing everything too late but really in tier 4 with the schools closed we are basically in lockdown anyway. The problem is too many people have lost confidence in the goverment and are ignoring the measures - The worst areas are already tier 4 - the only extra option you have is forcing people to stay at home with no exceptions except key workers - no excercise no shopping - just state deliveries of essential food and even that wouldnt work because too many would ignore it and we dont have the police to enforce it This is a good summary of how well the government is handling this so I have little confidence they will do the right thing next
3/4 week authoritarian proper lockdown. Nobody leaves their home unless it’s to provide something critical. Army deployed to deliver food parcels. It feels like the only way to save 25k+ lives before the vaccines take effect.
We didn’t have a proper lockdown in the spring. Factories warehouses etc. all still open. It will come back, but it will allow a break from restrictions in between. A break from furlough etc. Look at New Zealand. Everything is open. They have live sport etc all in full swing. As soon as they get a single case they lock down again to stop it spreading and they’ve done far better than us on every front. You know nothing about my situation or my reasoning for my actions, so please don’t hit me with the “get out of your house”. No idea whatsoever what you mean by your last point. From what I can see the number of data points doesn’t change on the graph over time, they just look further apart due to bigger jumps in the numbers. Please explain.
Something absolutely does need to change, I agree, completely change and get us out of this mindset where we believe we can tackle this by lockdowns that are clearly, world wide, in as many different scenarios as you care to mention, NOT WORKING. So let's change, and tackle this a way that might actually work.
It doesn't matter if the army would have dropped food parcels off in spring. Nhs, police, fire service, prison officers and the rest would still have to work and as soon as you open the country back up the virus would multiply again and your back to square one.
Take an A4 piece of paper and put yesterday's date on the left and today's on the right. Draw a line diagnally across it from the halfway up on yesterday's date to the very top on today's date. Now take an A4 piece of paper and put yesterday's date 1cm from the right of the page and today's date on the right. Draw the same line. Notice how the graph suddenly looks much much steeper?
The places that have contained this all have fully functioning track and trace systems and monitor and quarantine everyone entering the country we dont have either and until we do we are basically screwed - unless the vaccinations can get the R rate back below 1 - but thats months away even if the one shot idea works
But but it wasn't a proper lockdown. Every time anyone mentions this and I point out that in December we had essentially a lockdown which resulted in zero cases in the UK but by march we had emergency morgues built they can't answer it.
Those countries also have small populations and caught the virus before it was endemic. We can't do that, it's too late, to try to would cost trillions and would fail. Edit: and are also largely self-sufficient
We could always try isolating and protecting the vulnerable. So far we've tried lockdown for the entire country. Lockdown for all ages based on geography. Schools being open, schools being closed. Shops open shops closed. Allowed out not allowed out. Why not try the radical idea of isolating protecting and supporting the minority of the country who are vulnerable to this virus instead of trying measures targeted at completely the wrong demographics
This makes no sense whatsoever. I get what you’re saying and you’d have a point if the graph changed scale half way through but it doesn’t.
Great, what do you suggest? There’s currently more people in hospital with Covid than at any other point in the pandemic. Do you think without a lockdown, more people getting the virus will bring that down?
Been done to a death discussing this on here i went back to the last time it was discussed only a few days ago someone posted this and I thought it hit the nail on about locking down. Short of welding everyone into their homes and having the army deliver food parcels for a month wearing NBC suits then at some point until those who wish to be vaccinated have been we need to learn to live with it. Otherwise there will be nothing left come summer. A closed business gets 2k a week. Thats to cover rent. Rates. Insurance. Employers contributions to wages and pensions. The cost of destroyed or wasted stock. Utilities. When your rent is a grand a week. Where does the shortfall come from? I like a pint so ill use the white bear as an example. On a match day theyll clear over 15k. An average saturday half that. Old george. Two lads there have invested everything. They are running at 40-50% average turnover. Blackburns. Theyve chalked **** on it. Not enough internet orders. Greggs are laying staff off. Barnsley council have spent close to 50m since March. And just remember. Its bang in the middle of respitory virus season. I'm not getting into it again but locking the whole country down and delivering rations isn't the answer.