You've been vocally against lockdown (and any action) from the start. To suggest you weren't is disingenuous at best. You've now said in this thread that we failed in part because we missed the boat and didn't act before it became too much to stop. Please point out to me where the lie is.
Link to the posts you took the quotes from, let the readers of this public forum, who you have tried to influence, judge my words in context and time and form an opinion on my motivation for posting them, and then form an opinion on your motivation in this thread.
We can call for lock downs as much as wen want. But it will never ever be that. Cos for one person who can sit in isolation, someone else cannot. It's never ever gunna be a full and proper lockdown. So why ******* argue about it. Everyone could see this virus working it's way across the world into Europe and eventually the UK. Cos we left the entire world to visit or leave our shores, it's tough ****. Its here. And the only hope we have to cure this is a vaccine that nobody knows will actually work or fulfil that hope. Heads out of the sand, its here. We have to deal with it. How, no fuxker knows.
I did. It's all linked through. Just click on the arrows. I'm not trying to link anything out of context at all. I thought it was obvious that it was linked through. Apologies for not making it clearer. There's plenty in those threads I'm not proud of. I've changed my views pretty significantly since then and I'm happy to discuss anything I said back then and how it compares to what I'm now thinking. However I'm not going to claim I didn't have a view back then. I ask you to please do the same.
I had a view, and actually, my view on lockdown remains consistent. "It doesn't work". However, I have never "shouted from the roof tops" that we should usher in herd community like you claimed. I pondered on the idea for a couple of posts at the very start of the epidemic. I thought it may be the right way to go. I'm still yet to be convinced that anything we've done has been better than doing nothing at all. But that's not the point. You made the point to discredit me, and what you've linked to isn't someone telling anyone what to do, it's someone thinking out loud, genuinely putting thought into what is going on rather than reacting. And to take extracts of those posts to point fingers at me, what are you trying to do? Really?
You've completely misunderstood my intentions. My entire point was at the start of the pandemic. You were and are against lockdowns. You were against action at all back then, were you not? That's certainly what your posts at the time say, unless I'm significantly misinterpreting. My point is that it's a bit rich for you to be in this thread today saying that part of the reason we lost control is because we didn't act quick enough back then (which is completely true), when back then you were advocating for no action to be taken. Clearly "shouting from the rooftops" was obvious hyperbole, but you were very vocal in your support for it, to the point where you wrote in and started multiple threads about the subject that herd immunity without a vaccine should be the goal.
Another national lockdown buys yet more time until they can vaccinate enough people. As you admit yourself, cases and deaths decrease with national lockdowns. Kicking the can down the road means we get spells of lighter casualties rather than one continuous heavy one.
The level of lockdown needed to actually make a difference is not something I see the government doing. They are reluctant to do it because such a lockwon would cause such huge damage to so many.
I would argue the wishy washy lockdown and limbo they’ve had to put us in due to their inaction has done and will continue to do far more damage than a short totalitarian lockdown would have. I don’t have any data to back that up, but this nonsense we’re in at the minute isn’t good for anyone, I do know that.
Whatever side of the lockdown debate people have been on, to continue with this strategy despite the clear evidence of how badly it has failed is beyond reckless.
So another 5 months or so then? That's a lot of people with serious mental health problems. A lot of suicides. A lot of homeless. A lot dying alone
I think we've been through all this before. If we let the virus run riot the hospitals will be overrun and anyone with any other condition (mental or physical) will not get any treatment and the survival rate from COVID will be much lower. There is no easy way out of this, none.
Isolate and protect the vulnerable. Direct the quick testing to where it saves most lives not to 9 year olds in schools. Utilise the nightingale hospitals for EARLY intervention which helps people fight off the virus before it becomes serious. (Think of it like having cancer treatment the day you develop it rather than 2 years later when it's spread to your lungs) Allow all businesses to open but under the conditions that they enforce strict social distancing like pubs and restaurants and cafes were doing. Penalise the supermarkets who refuse to make alterations to stores and force people to break social distancing rules due to greed
Thank god I put the "let's do as little as possible" lunatics on ignore a while back. God knows where we'd be if they'd been running the country . Oh, hang on though.