I skim read the title and it went in my brain as Hello Sailor. Visions of SuperTyke touching his toes down by the docks
More women murdered, more beaten. More kids killing themselves. More wrists cut, more scars on arms and legs. More lifelong mental health issues. It's unfair to ask the elderly to isolate though unless the children suffer too. Why should they suffer to protect themselves unless a 10 year old cries at night as well?
Schools shut until at least Feb half term. Let's hope the teaching staff do a better job of assisting the children with online learning than what they did during the first lockdown because quite honestly it was appalling across Kirklees. PS I appreciate it could have been better in other areas but just my experience.
There is no way to isolate a small section of society and ensure they get the care and supplies they need. Get angry at the lack of government support. I'm ******* livid at it, but a lockdown is the only way to stop the virus spreading. It just is. You keep pushing for this nonsense idea that is impossible. I'm ******* done now. Not commenting in this thread again cos it's gonna get nasty.
Am I wrong? Does lockdown not lead to what I said? Because the 10 year old in my family started wetting the bed, waking in the night crying and went backwards massively the last time he was locked in his home
Yes there ******* is. Of course you can ******* isolate half the people if you can isolate all of them.
My wife is a key worker and works full time, I also work full time but not a key worker. We have a 7 year old and a toddler. Last time we had huge issues with my eldest's school as they refused to take him (despite one of us being a key worker) and their attitude was downright disgusting. We got the DFE and Local Council involved in the end and they still made us jump through hoops just to take him 2 days a week.
I'm gonna break my rule and just say. No, you can't. Those isolating still need care supplies and care. There's no way to get that if the virus is as rampant as it would be outside of those isolating in that situation. Combined with how overrun the hospitals would get and it's just a nonsense idea. Closing the ******* BBS now. Carry on getting angry at the wrong thing.