Yep I caught that . " Everything was going great until this new strain came along .... " . Throw in all the usual winter health complications then COVID on top and it was a disaster waiting to happen . Throw in 10 years of public sector cuts and your left with the perfect storm .
For a couple of months why not? A law is being passed forcing people to stay in their homes is it really such a stretch to also force people to move into these homes to keep them alive? In fact it would massively speed up the vaccination program if they were used as vaccination centres
But you're not a key worker? The idea is only those children who have two parents (or single parent) that are key workers critical to Covid-19 are able to continue to provide the service they do. I massively empathise that it makes your job more challenging or childcare difficult but the idea is the absolute minimum of children attend school.
You do watch the news where hospital doctors and nurses are saying they are overwhelmed and knackered? We are all being affected by this mentally and physically , I know our family have and it certainly knackers our company up but I don’t see any choice
Lockdown is crap. The tories have mismanaged everything to such an extent that it’s hard to know what other options there. Certainly the bonkers option of herding elderly and disabled people into what would essentially be death camps isn’t really a solution but you can see why people upset and desperate make such suggestions. The govt should fall. Anyone involved in the **** up that has happened should be tainted for life and banned from public office. They are the ones to direct the anger at. They will be ok. They wouldn’t help those who won’t be because they just don’t care. Instead we will carry on laughing at ‘Boris’ and electing psychopaths. We get what we deserve until we wake up and realise we deserve better.
Are you going to set up new family units so that the elderly can be new grandparents to the kids etc. or are they all just going to stay in their own allocated bed alone for months until they are all vaccinated? I think you may have more mental health problems on your hands splitting up families like that. Do those who would normally work but who can’t as in there still get paid otherwise you’re still going to have people with financial problems and if they own a small business that will have to shut whilst they are locked in there. I’m actually wondering how you have envisaged this looking. A big problem you’d have (besides the ethics of it but normal lockdown has that), is that you have seriously underestimated how many elderly and people with underlying conditions there are.
This isn’t the case, thankfully. Click and collect is ok, apparently, as is alcohol for delivery. It’s the takeaway element that has been removed to avoid people congregating on streets outside pubs. Off Licenses are good to open too.
Obviously you can't do it for everyone but you can make a huge dent in it if you use all the hotels and b&bs in the UK who aren't allowed to trade.
You’d have to be extremely careful you didn’t get a case in there otherwise you’ve effectively murdered all the people you forced into there that you were trying to protect. You’d have law suits hitting you non stop.
Yep, because it’s so much better in Scotland with no Tories involved. That’s not defending the government just pointing out the flaw in your argument
Rounding up all the vulnerable and elderly and shoving them into a building that is either severely understaffed to dangerous levels or staffed by undertrained people is without a doubt the most ridiculous idea I’ve ever heard. Bar none. So insane that not even Boris has implemented it.
His grandmother's dead. Tell you what why not go to the extreme let's have the Logan's run solution anybody over 50 just finish em off now then the younger end can do what they want. BTW I'm over 50 so thats me on the list.
As someone who has suffered mental health issues for the last 10 or so years, with particularly bad periods in which a day rarely went by without considering suicide, I find the title of your post inflammatory and unnecessary. Perhaps that’s just me. There’s also no evidence to suggest this second lockdown will lead to an increase in suicides. The first one did not.
the Scots at for the idiocy of the English. Sturgeon has been a thousand times better than BoJo but us hamstrung by the clown.
We are using rapid tests on children. Why can't we use them on the hoteliers instead? Its barmy to suggest you can't create secure environments
When did the NHS suggest using them for fit and healthy elderly people but decide it would be understaffed? Why are the NHS talking about something that's nothing to do with them?
Is putting a lot of vulnerable people in one place a good idea? Sheer carnage in care homes at the start of the pandemic - there were 20 deaths in our nearest care home in just under a month